Chapter 1540 hits for mercy,

He did not look at who the person who came carefully. In the end, he turned his head and talked to the students behind him. When Ye Jian, they went closer and found that they knew that in addition to Ye Jian, Song Zhiqiu and Liu Yang, the rest of the people do not know.

Moreover, the dress is almost the same as the young people who are chasing them.

No way!

Ge Jinglin suddenly fell a half in his heart, and the four of them had not left, but they also dragged the three of them into the water!

“Well, Ye Jian has followed six of them. They haven’t gotten out yet, and dragged her down.” Ge Jinglin stared at the outside, quietly talking to his classmates. “Brothers, I will go out, I will put it later.” Handed over to you!”

“Playing again, we can’t separate one.”

They are all smart, and they know what they are doing with a little reminder.

Wu Bingcheng said: “Several people are back to back in a circle. Who among them takes the steel pipe and grabs it directly. It must be fast, accurate, and sturdy. It must be used as a self-defense weapon.”

“Twenty-three steel pipes with bare hands and an enemy, this is a bit of a rush.” ​​Yuan Dabing said with a cautious look at his waist. “I will give you the back of my back, don’t let people bloom my head.”

Ye Jian is getting closer and closer to them, and finally stands in front of the bracket, and says to young people: “My friend is resting here. Do you want to go in and see?”


“Mom, let them be with them!” The young man finally understood that he was being played, and the hippie smile changed into anger. “There is enough kind, dare to play me as a brother!”

Finished, shouting in the alley, “Fuzi, shouted the brothers, the people you are looking for are hidden here, all kinds of enough, and also called the helper back to deal with us.”

Then, the footsteps in the alley suddenly sounded, and more than a dozen social young people came to the side of the bracket.

Ge Jinglin came out first from the bracket, and said to the leaf: “The trouble is a little too big, I can’t help it, Ye Jian.”

“Nothing.” Ye Jian smiled and shook his head, and asked Xu Wen, who came out later, “Xu Wen, you are fine.”

Xu Wen stood directly next to Ye Jian. “Nothing, nothing, before a big jump, now it’s fine, nothing.” Close to Ye Jian, some uneasy: “Ge Jinglin said they will not win, Let’s run out and call people in. You said, will anyone come in and help us?”

“No.” Ye Jian laughed. “They have steel pipes in their hands. Most people don’t dare to come and provoke them. They will only hide far away, so as not to affect themselves and hurt themselves.” This is human nature.

Xu Wen’s face was a bit white, and the group of people who were looking for them were all holding steel pipes in their hands. Xu Wen scared her shoulders and shrank.

But did not hide, standing in the side of Ye Jian swallowing water, do not retreat: “Then can only be hard! Ge Jinglin said that we are surrounded by a circle, back to back, who they take the steel pipe to hit us, we will first grab who !”

Military school students, strong and strong, not to mention encounters are a group of social scum.

Ye Jian smiled and his eyebrows were bent. The cadets have always been very united. “Good, but you have to remember that your face remembers to protect your body and not expose you to trauma.”

Here, Xu Wen, who is looking for Xu Wen’s trouble, came over. When he saw Ge Jinglin, he would look at them so seven people. If you don’t say anything, you can say it directly: “Give me a fight! Hit them! Begging for mercy.”

This is “seeking for mercy”…

The monthly ticket will be doubled at the end of the month. 29.30.31 will double, everyone will keep it.

We have activities for the monthly ticket. Anyone who has voted for a monthly ticket has the opportunity to enter the group. To participate in the group at 8:00 pm on the night of 12.31, I will grab the red envelope and the Qingyun shot will definitely be extraordinary! So, be bold and invest in a monthly vote.

In order to smoothly enter the group to grab the red envelope on the night of 12.31, the girls who voted for the monthly ticket remembered to finish the 29.30, because this is to be reviewed, and the monthly ticket record must be intercepted to participate in the red envelope.

(End of this chapter)

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