Chapter 1541 has experience in fighting

Fighting this kind of thing has always pursued a quick fix. Whoever fights first is the first to split the outcome.

But there is also a fight in the fight. The fight is a civil act. It is a local self-report case. You hit me with your fist. I hit you with my fist and basically finished.

Fighting is serious, it is illegal, depending on the seriousness of the circumstances, there are certain penalties, as well as fines.

Like holding a control item and fighting, it is really not a fight, it is illegal.

Ye Jian, they are justified in self-defense. If they are hit, they still don’t know how to fight back. It’s really stupid, waiting to be beaten.

The other side often has a certain experience of fighting, and they intend to play a wheel fight against Ye Jian. The young man who stopped Ye Jian before, laughed and said: “On the wheel, the brothers outside can’t squeeze in, beware. Injury yourself.”

Ye Jian said to Xu Wendao: “Boldly, we are just defending, don’t clench your hands. Before I came, I told the instructors that you had trouble.”

“This can also say, what kind of reaction did the faculty member at the time.” Xu Wen swayed her wrist, clearly a girl with a delicate drop. At this moment, there was also a murderous face on the face. The military academy was a place to transform people. No one was born to be a soldier. Transformation, training, progress, step by step growth, and finally become a qualified soldier.

Xu Wen is a military school student who has grown up step by step.

There is no time to communicate, and the young people around them pick up the steel pipes, and they start to fight each other. “Play, hit them and squat!”

“Brothers, don’t hesitate, these people are students at first sight, hit them, hahaha, they are not in a hurry to hide them! If they are known by the school, they are all fired!”

Ye Jian did not hurry to pick up a red brick, laughing at the young people who were arrogant: “There is a difference between fighting and fighting. I don’t think you want to go to the bureau. We don’t want to.”

“Controlling items is a bit dangerous. Which one is too strong, and the head is blown up. It is a life-saving thing to make a life. I would like to make a suggestion, although you are coming to find a place, looking for a face, showing the prestige, why not It’s bare-handed.”

“To tell the truth, I will see you like a woman, oh, I want to send you two words: 孬 。. Twenty-three of us around the seven, I am afraid that I can not win even the control items are brought. Show more personality.”

“I also like to have a personality point, come to eight at a time, let’s go to the side with a few hands, how about.”

In addition to the words, the temper of this group of people is aroused. She has led eight people, and fifteen of them have been able to play for a while in Song Song. When she solves this problem, she can support it.

The radical method was used very well. The young man named Hui Ge took a sip from the ground and made a big move. “The pipes in the hands are lost by his mother. Come to eight people!”

Except for Song Zhiqiu, I was not surprised. The rest of the students were shocked by Ye Jian’s words. I wanted to persuade them all to be in a hurry. She went to the side and went to the enemy.

Cheng Ge saw this smile, and he took the lead in the steel pipe.

The steel pipe first came to Song Qiuqiu, and Wu Bingcheng, who stood on the side, shouted “Be careful”, and he raised his hand and tried to grab the steel pipe that came over.

Song Zhiqiu’s reaction was very fast, directly holding the opponent’s wrist, and then another anti-pinch steel pipe fell into his own hands, then, lifted his foot and smashed under the other’s lower abdomen.

And Wu Bingcheng said: “Kick here!” is a fight experience!

Good night

(End of this chapter)

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