Chapter 1542 is lawless

Song Zhiqiu’s hand really shocked Wu Bingcheng, and it feels so good!

“You…this is too bullish!” Wu Bingcheng grabbed the steel pipe and hurriedly blocked the steel pipe that the other party had come over. It was already a cult to his classmates. “It’s so good, has it been learned?”

In the face of killing and killing, there is still a mood to chat, which is also a good psychological quality.

Song Zhiqiu opened a door to the social young man who rushed over the door with two feet. He also showed a few points on the face of the green scorpion. “There is more experience in fighting.”

Does it mean to play often?

“Don’t ponder him, brother! Look at it.” Yuan Dabing saw his classmates still have a look of worship and looked at Song Zhiqiu. He used his shoulder to open a person and reminded him, “Ye Jian is playing eight people, we are Don’t hurry to finish it and help her! Liu Yang is playing, you still grind something!”

Liu Yang was red-eyed and his fist hit the other person. He felt not excited but excited.

When I heard the screams from the other side, my heart seemed to have a beast rushing out and rushing out of my fist.

The more you play, the more excited you are, the harder you play, the more you feel, the more powerful you are!

Wu Bingcheng, who has never been beaten and has been strictly bound by his parents, saw that Liu Yang was crazy, adrenaline soared, and his breathing accelerated, his heartbeat and blood flow accelerated, and the weak blood of the scholars suddenly boiled and was affected. He waved the steel pipe to protect himself and protect his comrades.

The five boys were back-to-back and formed a circle against more than a dozen socially mixed cellars. It was not a general difficulty.

But no one was crying and crying, even if the body was smashed by the steel pipe and the bones were broken, and they were tight with their comrades, and continued to throw their fists.

They haven’t started learning in close combat, but after a few months of physical training, it’s hard to make the weak scholars change: they don’t panic, they are dangerous and calm.

Knowing that he did not have a strong Song Dynasty, Wu Bingcheng directly waved the steel pipe in his hand and waved the wind, making several young people who want to come to him become cautious, for fear of being hit.

Among the five people, Song Qiuqi’s fight is the most technical. As long as he is caught by him, the screams are absolutely the biggest, making people scalp and flustered.

Song Zhiqiu is indeed a regular fight. In the past, he and his cousin Yang Heng had a junior high school. The two brothers often made an appointment to go to the Internet cafe to play games. The Internet cafes were so smoky and mixed, and the temper was a bit of a disappointment.

The two brothers play games very badly, often grouping in Internet cafes, and because only one Internet cafe is connected to the Internet, people often go to Internet cafes to find them to play games.

Over time, the two brothers have a certain reputation in the vicinity.

Some famous people are not convinced to come up with the challenges of the brothers. At that time, both brothers were young, the temper has not yet been finalized, and there is a little fame. The bottom of the foot can’t help but float, and it’s inevitable that they will not pay attention. If you don’t pay attention, you will offend people.

It can be said that the two brothers played together from the second day to the third day. As a result, two brothers fought together and entered the game.

This time it was a big problem. Both parents of the two brothers rushed from the field. After cleaning up the mess, the family went to investigate nearby to know what their children had done.

The parents of the two brothers can be mad at it, because from the results of the two brothers, there is no way to see that they are so lawless!

(End of this chapter)

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