Chapter 1544 overlooking ants

“Beware of the thin boy who took the steel pipe in his hand, and played with us!” Yuan Dabing comes from Zhejiang, and is also a gentleman, but from the countryside, the personality will always be a bit wild, not afraid of the accident, punching I also know that I am going directly to the eyes and nose of my eyes.

The unarmed fights, the knuckles hit the other’s face, and the sudden surge of excitement is indescribable.

Coupled with their high-load training in school for so long, and being strictly disciplined, the boys who are still in a sloppy and strict transition period seem to have found a vent point, punched, kicked, and put The other side pulled over and played with two people… How come it is how cool it is.

The other side has a lot of people. Before that, I really didn’t put so many students in my eyes. The steel pipe in my hand was lost. It was really invincible in the world.

I know that I have kicked the iron plate, and fifteen people are surrounded by five boys.

However, Song Qiuqiu did not take advantage of it. He changed his clothes with Liu Yang, and he was not afraid of identity exposure. Ge Jinglin, Yuan Dabing, and Wu Bingcheng still had to take care of the clothes outside, and exposed the winter uniforms inside.

However, the most unrecognized thing here is Ye Jian. She still does not forget the guidance with Xu Wen’s fight. “Playing a snake and playing seven inches, hitting people is the same. The most important thing is that the nose is the nose and the body is the most afraid. The pain is the abdomen. As for the man, the most fearful is the cross-section. You just pick this place, pick one, and earn one.”

Xu Wen has heard the stunned, this is this… this is also true!

Soon she tasted the sweetness, as Ye Jian said, but when she was kicked in the middle of the crotch, one of them hurt and the body bowed into a shrimp-like shape, and the five senses were distorted and could not bear to see more.

“Yes, let’s increase the strength a little, once they let them hurt, there is no way to stand up.” Ye Jian kicked a social young man a few steps down the ground, and praised Xu Wen when he recovered his foot. “Heat, Pay attention to a quick fix and preemptive strikes.”

“Do not drag the mud with water, and the hands and feet can’t spread the whole body.” One help, Ye Jian fiercely buckled the most fierce man, and smiled easily, she easily reversed the other hand with one back, while the left hand The back is wrapped around the other’s neck, and the foot is kicked directly to the man’s left knee and knees.

The screams were even louder. The man was so painful that when Ye Jane let go, he first fell on his knees on his knees, and then screamed louder in his mouth, and the whole person fell to the left.

It turned out that his left knee was kicked to the joint by Ye Jian, and the right hand that had been deducted was soft and weak, and the “ah” scream was constantly screaming out of his mouth.

“Hui Ge, I thought that you can play, but it is just like this.” Ye Jianliang smiled, and the dawn was like a blooming frost, and there was a dazzling chill in the inside and outside. “When the street grabs people?” Is it up to you to do this? Or go home and lie down.”

After a hundred days of broken bones, I really can only go home and lie down.

With one enemy and eight, they did not give Xu Wen a lot of mobile phone meetings. Ye Jian did not use the district to solve all eight people in less than five minutes.

Everything was twisted and twisted, and everyone kept saying “ah” in his mouth.

From the leaf Jane crossed on their bodies, they cast a faint gaze, and the high is on the top.

(End of this chapter)

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