Chapter 1545 is simply handsome

There are already twinkling stars in Xu Wen’s eyes…. It’s just… it’s so handsome! too handsome!

Especially when Ye Jian lifted the leg side kick, the legs stretched straight and straight, one swept the past, and she stood firmly on one foot, and swept the person on one foot.

Handsome, handsome, handsome!

So handsome!

Also, there is her close combat, grabbing the shoulders of the other side, a shoulder-slung, and the action is free and easy!

“It’s so powerful, it’s amazing…” Xu Wen chased Ye Jian’s footsteps, and her eyes were so deep that she would lose her self. She watched Ye Jian stumble all eight people, and she was not worried about it later. How to explain to the school, full of eyes only Ye Jian’s figure exists, no other things have to be taken care of.

“You go ahead take a break and see who is behind the backstabbing, you’re out to beat him.” Degenerate kick and leaves no rest, finish up her here, they Autumn Song can not get away over there.

A few words from Xu Wen, Ye Jian jumped over from several young people who fell to the ground and joined the male student camp.

“Well, how can it be so powerful? I saw the girls fighting so handsome for the first time!” Xu Wen was fascinated by all the sights and concentrated on Ye Jian, and when he ran to one side, he only stared at Ye Jian. Look at one person.

Being besieged by this kind of thing, the last generation of Ye Jian experienced too much. At that time, she did not have the ability to cope with self-protection, relying on two legs to avoid encirclement.

In this life, oh, she has not escaped.

The faint sneer in his eyes gradually disappeared. Ye Jian raised his hand and touched the silver wire on his wrist. He did not say a word to a young person who wants to pick up the steel pipe, and with the brilliance of the scorpion, the darkness Only the dark leaves of Jane bent down to pick up a steel pipe, and the shot directly locked the other’s neck from behind.

The neck, the most vulnerable part of the body, is often the most deadly attack.

Like a beast, they like to bite the neck of their prey when they attack, because they can kill.

However, Ye Jian is unlikely to make a life, and her purpose is only a lesson.

The young man who was struck by the neck of the steel tube frightened and beaten a shocking spirit, and resolutely grasped the steel tube that had already stretched his neck and struggled to breathe.

Ye Jian did not know how to do him, but her movements were too dangerous, completely letting the other party feel that life was threatened. She took the other side to go back, until she retreated to the side and laughed. Cheng brother.

Then, throwing people out, just hit the back of the brother.

The place where she played with the other eight people had a corner. The excited brother couldn’t think of it. Eight people couldn’t win a girl, so they didn’t look at it.

When I arrived at a shit, Cheng Ge did not stand up. I turned my head and looked back. I saw that the girl who had just dared to single out his eight brothers stood unscathed.

“How is it!” The expression is like a ghost.

Ye Jian took the steel pipe and smiled and raised his eyebrows. “How can it not be me?” Going over, Ye simply stroked his ankle, and the steel pipe in his hand clicked on his knee. “Cheng Ge, yourself. Pick a place for me to play, knee or leg? Choose one.”

So provocative, Cheng Ge can still bear?

I picked up the steel pipe in my hand and got up and looked fierce. “Come a few brothers, give this woman a flat! Mom! Dare to threaten Laozi! Live impatient with her.” I don’t dare to rush up alone.

Tomorrow I said that there is a million, do you believe it? Believe? Believe? Believe?

(End of this chapter)

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