Reborn at Boot Camp: General, Don’t Mess Around!

Chapter 1546 - Too exciting, too cool

Chapter 1546 is too exciting, too cool

That momentum is enough, that is, no species.

I am so funny that Ye Jian laughed out loud. “The hand holding the steel pipe is already stiff enough to reach even straight. Cheng Ge, you are afraid of being like this, for the face is still stubborn. I will threaten you, how can you treat me? I have the ability to single-handedly with me, I am waiting for you.”

Heads-up, where is the brother!

He was angered when his mind was broken. “What do you think is also worthy of Laozi!”

It’s a bit annoying to say “Laozi”.

The fifteen people who all played the Songzhiqi heard the voice of their older brother. They immediately ran over three. They originally wanted to come and help. As a result, they didn’t even give me the chance to be close. The three people were beaten by Ye Jian in three minutes. .

Cheng Ge, who was sneer at the station, was not right when he saw it. He did not dare to stand and watch it. He screamed and lifted the steel pipe to stay on Ye Jian.

“Cheng Ge, this is a single-handed one.” Ye Jian shunned lightly, but his words were pressing hard. “Since Cheng Ge is so powerful, we are better off learning and discussing? Do you want to stop making a life or death? ,how is it?”

Cheng Ge, who was forced to face the dull face, spit out the betel nut **** that had been chewed in his mouth, and he said that he would hold the steel pipe again.

Oh shit! Do not believe, can not clean up a little girl!

He can rely on many people to clean up others, but he wants to clean up the leaves of the special forces.

It’s not a problem to stumble over eleven in the front.

Ye Jian did not rush to clean up the other side, Song Zhiqiu, they were also besieged by twelve mantles, and it was not too late to solve them for them first.

The fight lasted for nearly ten minutes, and I couldn’t laugh when I was screaming and laughing.

The strength is weak, and the body is also the most miserable Liu Yang. His eyes are not so big. Even his mouth is surprised. He looks at Ye Jian with an unbelievable look. She looks at her and flies several people in a row. The ground is all the kind that can’t stand up when the station is pumping down.

“I… I rely!”

Ge Jinglin looked at Ye’s simple hand and directly took a steel pipe in his hand. Then he used his steel pipe to lock his hands back. He also twisted like a square plate. “Zh…” Ge Jinglin took a breath of air. He is hurting for that person!

Twist like a steering wheel, your arms are broken!

Without waiting for him to return to God, Ye Jian grabbed another sleeve that was not buckled in the jacket, and walked around behind him like a dance, and the coat was easily taken off by her.

In the next scene, I saw Ge Jinglin and Wu Bingcheng vote for the five bodies!

Handsome to burst! !

Just like watching a movie on TV, holding the clothes from the back of the other’s neck, at the same time, can lift the long straight legs and pour the other hand-held steel pipe to the ground.




This is this… I feel that my eyes are not enough! It’s too exciting, it’s so cool!

No, I saw the blood boiling.

Song Zhiqiu shouldered his shoulders and shrugged his right shoulder. When he watched Ye Jian’s cool and heroic attitude, he felt shocked and could not speak.

Cousin said that Ye Jian is very powerful, and the average person is not her opponent.

Seeing it with my own eyes today, the shock brought by it was greater than that I heard at the time, and it was even more incredible.

A girl, how can this be played, so I will fight!

Watching her fight, I feel that I have learned a lot from Taekwondo in recent years.

Tomorrow, I said that there is a million, there is a million, do you believe it? Believe? Believe? Believe?

(End of this chapter)

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