Reborn at Boot Camp: General, Don’t Mess Around!

Chapter 1555 - Waiting for you to retaliate

Chapter 1555 is waiting for you to retaliate

However, the difference is that the last generation of Ye Yingfeng went to France to study and became the first girl in the town to study abroad.

The town officials made banners in the town for Ba Zhi Ye Zhifan. Since then, Ye Ying has truly become a celebrity in the entire Fujun Town, becoming a golden phoenix flying out of the ravine.

In this life, Ye Zhifan escorted, although he was embarrassed, he still went abroad.

Sun Dongqing didn’t know what was low and low, and it caused Ye Ying to change his face. He was crying when he was wronged.

“Okay, your mother is like this. You can learn less if you don’t learn.” Ye Zhifan didn’t want her daughter to go abroad to study abroad. It was still unpleasant, and it was difficult to get a face for his wife. He took a look at Sun Dongqing, who knew the loss, and he pressed his mouth. Once again, Ye Yingying, “You want to pull down Ye Jian and put her back into the mud. This trip is the last time you can turn over.”

It may be said that something important, Ye Zhifan’s voice is lower, and his face is stunned by poison. “And remember, Ye Ying, living and being tortured, it’s better to die than death, and people are dead. One hundred. Instead, I am more happy. Don’t move to say that she has to deal with her and let her disappear from her eyes. You are not her opponent at all, even Dad is not her opponent.”

There are too many people around Ye Jian, and I still want to let Sun Yaozu get rid of her during the National Day. As a result, she will see her standing in front of the national leadership and board the tower to watch the big celebration.

Wanting to do nothing, two endless, just kill her mind and suddenly put out.

One can appear to the national leadership, indicating that she has attracted attention, and he is more important than the director of the provincial bureau.

“Remember what Dad said, there is not enough strength, don’t try to provoke Ye Jian. Once you can’t hold your breath, you will only bring devastating disaster to yourself. In the end, you have nothing to get, and Ye Jian is still that. Ye Jian, who will look up all your life.”

“Ye Ying, do you hope that you will look up to an orphan who was not as good as you used to be in your life?”

No, no, she definitely doesn’t want to have such a day!

Ye Ying shook his lips, and the watery apricot eyes were frozen. “I will not let her stand on my shoulders. I will let her kneel under my feet. I will never want to climb forever.” stand up.”

Ye Jian, who has been paying attention to it, smiled. He smiled that the bright eyes were all turned into crescent moons, and the eyes were rippling like black pearls falling into the blue waves. The lead was washed to see the purest beauty.

It turned out that Ye Ying wanted to kill her at this time. Well, Ye Ying, I am waiting, waiting for the day!

And take a look at who will be at the feet of who will be in this life!

It is no wonder that she was killed by Ye Ying’s life in the last life. It turns out that it turns out that it was all taught by Ye Zhifan!

It is he who teaches Ye Ying to torture himself. As he said, people have died a hundred times. Only when they are alive can they be truly tortured!

If it was before, Ye Jian heard that the dialogue between the two fathers and daughters would be unsettled. Now Ye Jian knows what is important and what is important in front of her eyes, Ye Zhifan, Ye Ying, Sun Dongqing, Mrs. Ye Lao, Ye Yixiang, Sun Yaozu… Waiting!

The leaves are simply closed, and the hatred in my heart is pressed down. This world has changed. One day she will let Ye Zhifan lose her name!

One day, she will do it!

(End of this chapter)

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