Reborn at Boot Camp: General, Don’t Mess Around!

Chapter 1556 - Her height, you are not as good (Wan)

Chapter 1556, her height, you are not as good (Wan)

The evidence collected by the previous life has not been used in this world, because Ye Zhifan’s position as the director of the Provincial Construction Bureau is not long! She waited for him to sit in this position and sit down until he can take power for personal gain!

She remembers that Xia Jinyuan said that she could not act rashly without finding the person behind Ye Zhifan.

Also remember that before the end of his grandfather’s death, before you have enough strength, don’t think about Ye Zhifan’s family, don’t let hatred blind your eyes, and you can’t see which way you should go.

“Before you go abroad, you must be cautious, and you can’t just follow the country as you like. You don’t have to worry about domestic things. You can concentrate on reading. Qin Yi, you can rest assured that I won’t let your mother mess up.” Ye Zhifan does Is a responsible father, no matter what mistakes his daughter made, he always chooses to forgive and tries his best to fight for his daughter.

At the same time, I still don’t forget to remind me at all times, so that Ye Ying lost his sense of concentration because of jealousy.

“Dad, aunt, Qin Yi over there to you, you can rest assured, I will not let you lose your face.” Ye Ying whispered.

She regrets, she really regrets, and now gives her the opportunity to stand up, she will not miss it.

Ye Zhifan did not speak, and patted Ye Ying’s palm lightly.

Will not let him lose face? Ye Zhifan licked his face and told the truth, he was not as confident as before.

The height of Ye Jian’s station… He couldn’t match it, accompanied the leaders of the country to attend the grand celebration, even if only one appearance, it shows that the height she went is far beyond his imagination.

Want to pull down Jane, is it a simple matter?

As for Ye Xiangxiang, there will be no problem, she wants to make trouble, it also has to look at Sun Yaozu and disagree!

Now it is Sun Yaozu who is the master of the house, not the old woman who is not allowed to move in bed.

Sun Yaozu, who has already tasted the sweetness, is afraid that he will lose his cooperative relationship in the future, and he will pluck his chest to ensure that he will be optimistic about Ye Xiangxiang.

Sun Yaozu is an ambitious man. As long as he can bring benefits to him, Ye Xiangxiang will have nothing to do.

As for Qin Yi… Ye Zhifan slightly indulged for a while: “You don’t have to worry about Qin Yi’s business. Don’t let him contact you when you come to France. Also, Qin Xiu works at the French Embassy. If you have the opportunity, you can look for him and see if you can talk to him and get to know each other.”

The daughter looks like and the temperament is not bad. If she enters the eyes of Qin Xiu… Ye Zhifan means profoundly: “Sometimes the opportunities are all won by myself, Ye Ying, make good use of your strengths and seek a better rise for yourself. Opportunity.”

Sun Dongqing, who knew that he was in trouble, spoke up at this moment, and he was very excited. “Yes, yes, if Qin Yi and Qin Xiu choose one, Ying Ying, then you must choose Qin Xiu!”

Ye Jian can’t listen to it any more, the more he listens, the more disgusting he is!

Twenty minutes from the boarding time, Ye Jian raised his luggage and got up and left.

The plane flying to Hai Province was ready to take off and landed at the airport on time in less than three hours.

When Ye Jian replaced his training suit and boarded the helicopter to the reef, it was already more than seven o’clock in the evening.

There was no light on the reef island, and there was a darkness everywhere. The sea water slammed on the shore and made a sound of “squeaky” water. The whole island had no other sound except the sound of the sea.

The waves waved on the shore one after another, and a tall figure suddenly appeared on the sea like a ghost, stepping on the sea and walking towards the shore.

Then, several figures emerged from the sea, and the sea passed over the sea, heading for the first to go.

The typo was not checked, and I checked it while eating. Today, I will send it to you and see you tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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