Chapter 1574 Target Locking, Danger

The leaflet that found the situation whispered to remind the storm commando comrades in the beach, and began to adjust the sights, prepare for cover, and complete the sniper. She needs to maintain the consistency of the short range and long shots, so it will be necessary to adjust the sights occasionally.

The Water Commanders of the Storm Commando have successfully rushed to the beach and began to advance into the interior of the island. After reminding them that the squad has been found to avoid the warning range of the other side, it is wrapped around from the side.

At 3:30 in the morning, a snow squad comrade was sneaked by two storm commando players, unfortunately “death.”

A good start was made, so that the commander of the navy had a long sigh of turbidity and came to a “open door”, so that he could catch him.

The sound of the empty bomb began to ring over the island. It was known that the snow squad of a comrade-in-arms who had “deathed” solved the lurking water ghost with the fastest speed. It was good, and the two sides tied each other within five minutes.

The Major General of the Army also spit out a sigh of gas, and it was not bad to pull back a game in five minutes.

Li Yinian’s voice passed coldly to everyone’s ears. “It’s already within the scope of the attack. Two teams and one team will alternately move forward and backward.” Evening confrontation can be biased towards sneak attacks and assaults. Good results.

Although the firepower is enough in this match, the modern equipment has no infrared sensor except the communication. There is only one night vision goggle for you, so you can walk without falling.

Therefore, relying on both eyes and ears to accept external danger information, it can quickly turn the tide.

Xia Jinyuan was sitting directly on a rock, and he was quite domineering. He was waiting for the scouts to go back and forth, and then confirmed the task of the group of brothers of the storm commando.

The military map is wrong, the tasks of both sides are not clear… There is no clear match for playing a game. Xia Jinyuan with a gun is waiting patiently, and the twinkling eyes of the beasts are all full of excitement.

It’s really more challenging to play a match that neither side knows what to end up with, rather than clear missions, clear locations, and clear targets.

Because, the whole process requires you to fight while groping, who is the first to find out their own tasks, what is the task of the other party, who can deploy in advance and grab the fighter.

“Group A brigade is still 700 meters away from the B group brigade mission.” In the command room, the technicians operate the computer and double-click the “war zone” to enlarge, and only see the big screen, there is a discarded three that do not know the year and month. Floor building.

For the whole building to be a “7” type, the storm commando team needs to occupy this place before winning the match.

The commander of the navy sighed toward the army general who sat next to him: “The country (the sharp edge) really deserved the name, so quickly found the land.” The ground can be started to attack, the storm commando team will use the storm.

“The two sides are not the same as the landing site. If the group A has not found any information, I will consider whether to withdraw the Q king’s position.” Major General Lu Sheng replied, “Three hours and forty minutes passed, the two sides even connected them.” If you have to keep what you are still unclear, oh, I have to sin for the country.”

Group A in the technicians is the Snowy Brigade, and Group B is the storm amphibious frogman commando.

Five minutes later, Xia Jinyuan suddenly jumped from the rock like a leopard, and then rushed into the night and entered the woods with the branches intertwined.

If there is an update before 11:30, it is a surprise.

Monthly ticket, the little goblins remember the monthly ticket for the three-day investment of 29.30.31, so doubled, whether there is a “military” on the monthly ticket list, it depends on the little goblins.

(End of this chapter)

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