Chapter 1575 is this level, high!

The snow team members have arrived in a dilapidated building to have no difference with the haunted house. They don’t know how long it has been built. The outer wall is covered with vine vegetation. The wall is peeling off very seriously, and some walls have even collapsed.

The close Z7 finger smashed on the wall, and a large wall of lime was smashed by him and instantly became a piece. “Q Wang, this is the position we need to cover.”

“Well, it’s almost, well, within five minutes I need to know the internal structure of the whole building.” Xia Jinyuan looked up at the building that was abandoned because of the unknown, and it was really hidden. It was built on the whole island. The lowest point, if the three-story building is not careful, the big night is really not aware of its existence.

Looking down, I watched the time and said: “Now start timing, come back in five minutes.”

No need for him to divide the work, leaving the whistle of the whistle, the ambush of the ambush… The path of the pathfinder, and soon began to act.

Occasionally, the voice of the players will be heard in the headphones, and the situation on their side will be reported. Xia Jinyin said: “I found the building shelter, three stories high, and the dangerous building. You are guarded by six outside. We are guarding in several of them, who sacrificed. Staying and thinking about life, think about how I will treat you.”

Threat, it goes without saying.

Although they have good welfare, they are also under pressure.

There was no such thing as a starry morning in the sky. The weather on the sea was always changing rapidly. The last second may be a cold star. The next second is likely to be clouded, with showers and thunder and lightning.

The six snowmen’s special forces in the snow are confusing, and the water ghosts who intend to let the storm commando team think that all of them are shaking in the woods, they dare not show up easily.

However, Xia Jinjin did not think that he would deceive Li Yinian. Then he immediately contacted him to explore the white cranes and pigeons that Ye Jian had settled in. “How are you on the other side, have you found the exact location?”

The white crane did not answer. The answer was his pigeon. His voice was low. “Q King, the white crane was killed. At this moment, a person slammed a gun and slammed it. Hey, the long-range sniper of the blue bird is too far away. She took it. What sniper rifle, the shooting is estimated to be more than 800 meters!”

“It’s very fast, let him fill it for two hours.” Xia Jinyuan’s voice was almost heard when the pigeons fell, and the tone was faint. It didn’t seem to be a bit of a surprise, as if to hear a very normal thing.

The pigeons glanced at the poor comrades who had been attacked, and the weight on their faces became heavier. “Q King, the blue bird dragged me too, I am afraid that the demon king already knows your delay tactics.”

“I didn’t think how long it would take him. It was a minute for me to delay one minute.” Xia Jinyuan raised his eyebrows and was happy for Ye Jian’s performance, and there was a trace of loss.

He also wants to fight side by side with her…

Also ordered the pigeons, “stable and retreat, beware of her dead eyes, and tell the crane, not to be surprised by the sniper death of the blue bird, her sniper level has surpassed me, so she slammed the crane Very normal.”

“You, beware, the Jade Bird is very patient. I can lurk in the desert for a day and night. If the sand is covered, I won’t be alive, and she will never move. I will never let go of the next goal. So, if you look at it yourself, you really have to be attacked by her, and the white crane just has a companion.”

(End of this chapter)

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