Reborn at Boot Camp: General, Don’t Mess Around!

Chapter 1576 - Combat style is very awkward

Chapter 1576 is very combat style

Pigeon: “…” He has already smashed, and the sniper level is more than the same sniper identity Q king, … … He did not know more about her situation before the white crane!

Xia Jinyuan did not have time to pay attention to the complex psychology of his comrades. He cut off the communication and looked at Ye Jian’s direction. There was a gentleness in the cold and handsome face, and the tenderness of the iron bones only bloomed.

If the pigeons are slammed together and killed, it will not be surprising to him.

It is a very normal thing for him because he understands the strength of the Jade Bird Ye Jian.

Snipers need to constantly practice and keep up with new skills. In order to support her superiors, she must be able to fight in any environment, and can cooperate with any troops that need her cooperation. Ye Jian is very talented and trained with Li Mowang. It can be said that the two have been trained. A preliminary understanding.

Today, her identity has turned into a “water ghost”, there is no need for any buffer, and it can be combatd directly.

Before she came from school, she was worried that she could keep up with the training rhythm of the two teams. Only half a day, he knew that his fears were superfluous.

The sniper’s physical and mental requirements are extremely high. She needs her ability to display her unique skills in any environment. When she enters the sea island to receive sniper instructions, she can quickly enter the best state.

Ye Jian has a very high level of rapid scanning ability, can quickly check whether there are signs of enemy activity in the area, if it is in the daytime, she can use less than 30 seconds to know whether the hidden sniper hidden point exists. Signs of passing.

In the evening, she will definitely observe while walking, waiting to hide, and will be very cautious to observe around through the sight.

Her memory that is super strong to the sky will record all the grass and trees she has seen. When she finds something wrong during the next observation, she knows that the situation is different.

Once the situation is found to be different, Ye Jian will never hesitate.

Now, if the pigeon can escape from the sniper’s muzzle, it depends on the pigeon’s own ability.

In the storm commando, the prawn has already fed back the situation of Ye Jian to Li Yinian, and the tone is full of admiration. “Very powerful! In the complicated mountain, she can also complete 800 meters of precise long-distance sniper and directly solve an attempt.” Close to the snow team members we occupy.”

“You don’t have to occupy it.” After listening to Li Lannian, he issued a new order to Ye Jian and the prawn. “Q King is confused and only a few players are active on the island. It is not our focus to grab the beach.”

If it is the key point, when landing, there is no fire resistance, then there must be crossfire when entering the island search, but no, only the noise of the stars.

Ye Jian, who did not remove the sight from the line of sight, joined the topic, “conforming to the Q-king style of combat, and finishing.”

There is another goal right, where is it?

The finished Ye Jian re-examines the entire area she is responsible for. The system mode from left to right and then right to left allows the line of sight to quickly cover the entire area and avoid leaving any place.

After discovering that there is no problem, she once again conducts a comprehensive scan, focusing on the system partition of the range that has been slammed. Starting from her defense line, the entire area is divided into three partitions: left, middle and right. Each partition is scanned to about 55 yards. depth.

Good night, good night, little fairies, good night.

(End of this chapter)

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