Chapter 1607 is proud of you

Li Lannian strode over and walked to Ye Jian’s diameter. “He knows you.”

“Yes, I used to be a junior high school classmate.” Ye Jian looked at the whole team’s Fu Dong, and smiled and said: “It’s too unexpected, I have run into old classmates.”

It turned out to be a junior high school classmate. It was a little easier to do, and I was afraid of meeting an acquaintance in the same village.

The twilight and darkness of the Li Lannian, “Blue Bird, your identity, the troops you serve are all secret.”

“I understand.” Ye Jian decapitated. She understood that Li Yanyan wanted to tell herself what the storm commando was like the snowy brigade. The identity of all the players and the service in which the troops were serving were confidential, and even the family could not tell.

But fortunately, Fu Dong did not fully confirm that he is himself. After all, junior high school graduates have three and a half years.

“He didn’t fully recognize who I am, just squinting, waiting for a handshake, thanking me, I won’t participate, or I will come over after he has passed.” Ye Jian did not want to recognize the old school’s mind, not even I want to show off my mind.

She is Ye Jian, a female soldier who struggles for her own goals. What do they think about her relationship with her?

Fu Dong had already looked around with a gaze, and did not find a figure that made him feel familiar. Until all the special forces shook hands with them, he did not find it.

Until the sight of these fearless, special forces who fought on the front line left, Fu Dong found that only 21 special forces had shaken hands with him, but there were twenty-two figures when he left.

The extra figure was wearing the same woodland combat uniforms as the male soldiers, carrying the same combat equipment, taking the same pace and walking towards the depths of the mountains.

Her back is particularly conspicuous in the background of a group of tall, tall male soldiers, slender to a willow tree, in the drizzle of rain, out of the soldiers who do not lose any male soldiers.

Ye Jian, if you are really Ye Jian, the old classmates congratulate you here, congratulations on becoming a top-ranking soldier!

“Squad leader, what are you looking at.” A soldier gently asked him, but also reluctantly said: “The female special commander, hey, I was killed by her, I don’t know how she found me, how a woman is So powerful.”

If she is really Ye Jian, Fu Dong smiled and answered, “What about the female soldier? Although she is a female soldier, she is a special soldier who is better than our male soldiers.”

When she was studying, she was so powerful. After joining the army, she was still so powerful.

This is the old classmate Ye Jian who I know. Now I am a soldier, wearing a military uniform, carrying a steel gun and fighting for the country!

Fu Dong didn’t think about it anymore, and didn’t even deliberately inquire about it. Although he did not confirm whether it was Ye Jian, he believed that the female soldier who did not even have a handshake was an old classmate he was familiar with.

As a soldier, he naturally wants to maintain an old classmate who is also a soldier.

Ye Jian did not know what the old junior high school students thought at the moment, but she knew that if Fu Dong recognized himself, then his basic confidentiality consciousness as a soldier is still there.

The squad leader, who can become the squad leader of a class, can see that Fu Dong’s performance in the army is also very good, so that even if he really recognizes himself, he does not have to worry about anything.

The drizzle is still flying. The Shanshu Mountain, which has been burned by the fire, has been several kilometers away from the storm commando. At 3 o’clock in the afternoon, it has completed the “support shooting” and then enters the area where the two armies work together. Complete the “300-meter limited time 100 rounds of precision shots.”

Do you want to say good night? Do you want to be more 2? If there is no update before 11:30, the goblins will not wait.

(End of this chapter)

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