Reborn at Boot Camp: General, Don’t Mess Around!

v2 Chapter 1608 - a little embarrassed

Chapter 1608 is a bit awkward

There are many factors that affect the accurate shooting of bullets, and drizzle and wind are among them.

The weather between the two special forces in the storm and the snow was not very good. It rained on the sea, it was raining, and the wind and rain did not stop. It kept on and disturbed.

The special forces who braved the drizzle were all wet inside and outside the clothes. The clothes could be screwed out of the water, and there was no dryness in the whole body.

Ye Jian, who has always been able to endure, waited until around 5 pm, his face appeared rare and pale, and the original rosy lips also had a pathological whiteness. Li Xiaonian was closest to her and could feel her change.

“Through this period, I can rest, and then hold on for an hour.” The demon king who slowed down looked at her combat equipment as heavy as the male soldier. The thin lips slammed slightly, whispering: “Carry the bag, give me the gun.” I have to hold it.”

I don’t know what will happen next, guns, only in my own hands can guarantee their own safety, and protect the lives of their comrades.

The leaves of the lower abdomen were uncomfortable, and the leaves were secretly adjusted to breathe. Shaking his head smiled at him: “Nothing, I can still hold on. I can carry it myself. I can’t report it to you.”

In the face of her persistence, Li Wei’s long-term cold eyes stayed on her face for a few seconds, and she bowed slightly: “Yes, there is a problem to react at any time.” A little pause, added: “I am fairly reasonable.”


The last sentence of his addition made Ye Jian feel a little embarrassed, and he remembered that he was getting along with the devil. It was true that he really did not say or inadvertently expressed his “not sensible” behavior, and then he resolved the embarrassment of his heart.

“I know, I can still insist, I can’t insist that I will respond at any time, and ask my comrades to help.” Said, Ye Jian, some pale, Li Yan raised a soft smile like a white cloud, “help each other, I still knew.”

The smile of the female soldier appeared so unobtrusively, and suddenly fell into my heart from the eyes, not gently falling, but heavy, suddenly hitting the heart, hitting him and even the heartbeat seemed to miss half a beat. ….

The heartbeat missed half of the film, Li Lannian lightly retracted his gaze, and lightly “hmm”, the step was not too big, leaving the female soldier.

The female soldier is really a dangerous creature. It is the right decision for the troops not to recruit female soldiers!

The commander wanted to leave the blue bird, … or forget it.

The thoughts of Li Lan’s departure left some confusion.

When he left, Ye Jian also sighed softly, and the body was a bit uncomfortable, but it was not serious enough to require the help of male soldiers.

As a girl, there are always a few days of normal bloodshed every month. Her normal bloodshed is estimated to be coming. The lower abdomen is not very comfortable from around 4 pm, and now there are some faint pains, the first time, the leaves Jane feels the discomfort caused by normal bleeding events.

In the past, there was nothing uncomfortable.

Li Yannian did not believe that he had already seen her discomfort. How could it be okay?

But if you can stick to it, you have to continue.

They need to rush to the combat areas of the two armies to “hunting” ahead of time, and then work together to complete the last two major projects, 1, 300 meters limited time 100 bullets precision shooting, 2 sniper team showdown project, complete these two The project officially entered the full “hunting” operation.

(End of this chapter)

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