Reborn at Boot Camp: General, Don’t Mess Around!

v2 Chapter 1630 - Don’t be so cow, female soldier

Chapter 1630 Don’t be so cow, female soldier

The next step is a 300-meter limited-time shot of 100 bullets. Everyone has only three minutes to check, count bullets, equipment, and confirm the target. It must be done quickly.

No one spoke, and the north wind that was blown even implied the murderous gas, which made people fearful.

All the forests were “squeaky” to check the sound of the guns. Ye Jian listened to these familiar sounds that made the blood boil, and she had a slight smile on the corner of her mouth.

She likes this kind of voice, it is so bright, so vivid, she prefers the moment when the bullet is shot from the barrel, and then the force comes from it, only the sound of her bullet seems to surround her heart. Running, listening to the whole body is full of motivation.

“Check it out!”

“Check it out!”

“Check it out!”

Less than three minutes, the team members who have been grouped report one by one, relying on Ye Jian’s Li Xiaonian bowed slightly, the cold voice blended with the north wind and it became even colder. “Before the synchronization, you will finish it later than me. 10 bullet shots! According to the single shot of 0.15 seconds, you need to complete the replacement of the magazine within 15 seconds, and exchange rifles with me.”

“Well, I will calculate the time and the number of bullets fired.” Ye Jian decapitated, the calm voice came with confidence, “I will control the time, you can rest assured.”

Once again working with the Devil, Ye Jian really has no strange feelings.

The gun was in her hand. In her heart, she only had the gun in her hand. When she aimed at the target and pulled the trigger, she could feel the gun violently hit the back end of the bullet casing. At that moment, the gunpowder gas Expanded in the shell, the burning gunpowder produces gas, with a deadly power to push the warhead, “砰” gunshots, the shell flies out of the bomb bay, the first bullet to shoot!

That’s right, the sights and the gaps are placed on parallel lines, aiming at the bottom line of the target to form a three-point line. You don’t have to hesitate to pull the trigger directly, and the bullet passes through the target.

The shell that flew out crossed a perfect trajectory and landed on a stone, making a “beep” sound, and the first bullet was fired.

300 meters away to complete the shooting Some people say that it is a blind hit of the light machine gun fire range, for fire suppression, but for a sniper, even if the hand is a rifle, your goal is only one: complete the precise shooting!

This is what Chen Shu taught her. No sniper bullets can be wasted. Make sure that every bullet has to play without a virtual hair and complete the shooting task 100%.

She keeps in mind that every word that President Chen has said to her will not be forgotten at any time, and will be done one by one.

A few steps forward, the gunshots were heard again in the woods, still fired from Ye Jian’s rifle. In less than six seconds, she completed the second shot and was 100% in the middle!

“The second round of bullets completed the shooting.” The leaf sniper with the rifle whispered to remind Li Lannian, while moving forward quickly, even if he was carrying 25 kilograms of combat equipment, it did not affect her ability to act, and did not affect it. Her agility.

Li Lannian knows that he has absolutely one second of squatting. The 300-meter limited-time shot of 100 bullets can be shot while walking. Everyone knows that the farther the shooting distance is, the more difficult it is!

But she, just aiming at the target when checking the gun, and then directly complete the first shot!

(End of this chapter)

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