Reborn at Boot Camp: General, Don’t Mess Around!

v2 Chapter 1631 - Let the male soldiers rise and see

Chapter 1631 let the male soldiers rise and see

Everyone is still pushing forward and aiming. She didn’t even move in one step. She finished the first bullet at 300 meters!

Now the rifle they carry is 5.8 mm. China’s independent research and development. The first appearance was when the return of the port city. The initial velocity of the projectile was 930 m/s, the firing rate of the battle was 40 rounds/min, and the burst was 100 rounds per minute. The direct range is 375 meters, while the effective range is 400 meters and the maximum range is 600 meters.

If the rifle with a firing rate of 40 rounds/min is amazing, but if it is a blind fire, but with a range of 300 meters and no sight, rely on your own line of sight to complete the precise shooting, at least you have to have a preliminary aiming action. Still not as direct as she did, the gun “砰砰” completed two shots!

Does she have an aiming action? Did she just have an aiming action?

Absolutely not!

Even if she didn’t complete the aiming action, she not only finished the shooting, but also completed the shooting accurately!

Li Xiaonian quickly caught up with her speed, and the two men pushed forward and finished shooting quickly!

This is a limited time to complete the shooting, the rifle in the hand is the air-guided automatic mode, the machine head rotary lock, single and continuous shooting, the theoretical rate of fire is 650 points per minute, the firing rate of the shot is 100 rounds per minute, single The launch speed is 40 rounds per minute.

They are single-shot speeds, and the bombs are 70 rounds of magazines. Because they also need to exchange their own rifles, it is necessary to complete the 300-meter limited-time shots within four minutes.

70 rounds of magazines need to be replaced twice, and it is stipulated that it is necessary to complete the gun change at 50 rounds. It must be said that such regulations are extremely harsh!

However, the training of the special forces is demanding. If you can’t complete the task, you can’t be a special soldier. You don’t have to choose to be a good special soldier!

Ye Jian never chooses, she will only face, facing the harsh training that can make you fall back in the battlefield in the future, facing all kinds of seemingly impossible tasks, but she has no second Choices.

“Complete 40 rounds of bullets! Devil, it’s up to you!” 300 meters a minute to advance the 20-meter leaf Jane reminded the Li Yi-year around, and then completed 50 shots Ye Jian quickly replaced the magazine, “咔哒” sounded a magazine Installed, Li Xiaonian completed 50 rounds of bullets and took the rifle in Ye Jian on time!

There was no stagnation in the whole process, and the two worked together as comrades-in-arms for many years.

Ye Jane took over the automatic rifle in his hand and replaced the magazine again, completing the rifle’s recoil and corrective action, and then catching up with the shooting speed of Li Yinian and the number of bullets.

In the command center, the technicians handed over the data of the two men to the bombs to the senior generals of the two armed forces. The army general took over the data and saw that the brows that had been tightened were slightly loosened a little, and the side commander said to the navy: “Yes, middle With a 0.5 second interval, full control is completed within 10 seconds.”

“I didn’t think that the two of them could cooperate with each other so tacitly, and they can calculate the number of shots of each other’s bullets in order to achieve the consistency of shooting.” The smile on the face of the navy commander is not generally deep, deep and deep, and very satisfaction.

Looking at the comprehensive data of the two, the navy commander laughed and teased, “Perfect to be like a lover, this is the point of heart and soul! The interval of 0.5 seconds is completed, which is faster than changing the magazine. It is a pity. The first bullet after the devil changed his gun, because there is a need to correct the movement, there is a deviation, otherwise it will be perfect.”

This morning, the car is under maintenance. In the afternoon, take the rest of the family to rest. Let’s take two more chapters. Let’s meet again in the evening.

(End of this chapter)

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