Reborn at Boot Camp: General, Don’t Mess Around!

v2 Chapter 1634 - This is called bullish?

Chapter 1634, this is called bullish?

The last second is still in the tone of the lesson, the next second… pet to the sky!

Ye Jian grinned and looked at his eyes bright and bright, as if he had smashed the water in Lingquan, and he was extraordinarily aura. “Well, I am waiting.”

Sometimes Xia Major really feels that his girlfriend is very worry-free. Every time he goes back to Beijing, he goes out to play with his former buddies. The woman who brought out is not asking for a bag or asking for money, but for a girlfriend… Let her be happy.

It is no wonder that the old man at home said that he was catching up with Ye Jian, who was really blessed in eight generations. If he didn’t catch such a good girl, don’t go back to Xiajia, don’t enter the house.

The old man’s eyes are like a torch. When you look at it, you know that the little fox is a good girl, but you don’t have to mention it. It’s more wise than the old man, and you can start ahead in time to avoid night dreams.

How good now, can fight with her side by side, can stand together to discuss common topics, who said that the love of special forces is not romantic?

The love of special forces is romantic, can people have it?

No, they can’t have the romantic love of special forces in their whole life. It is the love of blood, the love of trust and heart, and the love of life and death.

Even the topics discussed are topics that other people can join.

Ye Jianzheng said that she finished the shooting. After listening to Xia Jinyuan’s thin lips, she raised a few points. “I shot in advance thirty-one seconds. It seems that you learned Chen Shu’s move. This move lasts on the battlefield. Sex is very helpful, and the middle can reduce the time between bullet breaks.”

He said, he had a little meditation on his face. After a while, he said to Ye Jian: “The next time you come to take charge of the last lesson, give us a generalization. Just take the shooting essentials, let’s figure out how to improve the speed. “”

Essentials? Ye Jane thought about it and shook his head. “There is no point, mainly because you have to take time. It is necessary to know how long it takes for each bullet to shoot out and hit the target. Then I will calculate how much time it takes to replace the magazine. Directly complete the one-handed change of the magazine to achieve the continuity between the bullet and the bullet, and maintain the sustainability of the firepower.”


It’s easier said than done. Xia Jinyuan has already started experimenting with two empty magazines. The first thing to do with a single-handed magazine is to hit the cassette and complete the magazine replacement. The comrades of this snowy group will be around. For 2-3 seconds.

It is difficult to calculate the distance from the bullet to the target, and how long it will take to hit the target. At the same time, it is necessary to shoot the last bullet and shoot out the “point” that immediately replaces the magazine!

And this “point” directly affects the coherence of bullets and bullets!

Ye Jian read his movements and said seriously: “Yes, I also completed the one-handed change of the magazine. The speed is similar to yours. The control is completed within 2 seconds. Then I know when the bullet is shot and the whole movement can be continued. It is.”

“After going back, you will demonstrate to us, the distance of three hundred meters will prevail.” Xia Jinyuan tried two times in a row and knew that he could not get the “point” card, and could not directly do the last impeachment. Coherence between the bullet and the bullet of the next magazine.

This is no problem, Ye Jian readily accepts.

The time has come, the gunshots in the woods disappeared instantly, and the bullets shook in the first second. The next second was the smoke in the air, and the sound of the bullets could not be heard. It was as quiet as if nothing had happened.

Good night, little fairies.

The little goblin who voted for the monthly ticket, please enter: 472818474

The monthly ticket group is a temporary group of red envelopes at the end of the month. As long as the goblins have voted in the month of December, they can enter. After entering the group, the map of “voting the monthly vote” will be verified by the administrator, and they can participate in the activity.

29.30.31 is when the monthly ticket doubles, the little goblin wants to enter the monthly ticket group to grab the red envelope. Remember to enter the group before 12 o’clock on the 31st. If the group enters the group on the 31st, the administrator has no time to review it.

(End of this chapter)

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