Chapter 1635 Deep Review

The snow was a bit big, and the north wind slammed through the woods, blowing away the smell of smoke, about two kilometers from the shooting area of ​​the two teams. The local troops heard the intensive gunshots and knew the wheel. It’s time for them to play.

This is a nature reserve. Although it is included in the temporary combat area of ​​the two teams, it is important to note that the local troops need to assist in collecting all the warheads.

Forty-four comrades have four thousand four hundred and four rounds of ammunition, all of which are the tasks of the local troops.

“Collection!” With the whistle of the platoon leader, the two squad leaders quickly gathered together with their comrades-in-arms, and said “righteousness, turn backwards!” to lead the comrades to the destination.

More than four thousand bullets took a certain amount of time to finish the warhead. Some local troops helped save the two brigades a lot of time.

The results have already come out. Li Yinian and Ye Jian have two shots with two bullets off target, ranking first, while Xia Jinyuan and K7 have three bullets off target, which can only be second.

K7’s thin face was a little tight, and the chilling air on his body was somewhat exposed. He said to Xia Jinyuan: “It’s my problem, sorry team captain!”

“The shooting power of Jade Bird is above all of us. We are not too bad in the second place.” Xia Jinyuan took a shot of his comrade-in-arms and smiled. “Let’s continue to work hard next time, and take back the lost ones.”

When the two bullets were off target, they were off-targeted by the influence of wind and snow when Li Yannian and Ye Jian changed their guns. As in the case of K7, they were off-targeted by the influence of wind and snow when the gun was modified.

These are uncontrollable factors, and mistakes can be understood, but understanding is one thing, mainly to show that the level of shooting technology has not yet reached the best.

Like the blue bird, she has the same gun as everyone else, and she is shooting at the same time. Why can she do everything? It is not because the shooting level is too high and it is not affected by the weather.

“The blue bird is gifted. Do you still remember to perform the task in the last time in Pakistan? Normal people are aiming to complete the shooting first. She is different. When she pulls the trigger, she can directly aim at the target to complete the shooting. This is the biggest difference. It is a unique talent, we want to have her talent, it is difficult!”

Xia Jinyuan bent over and picked up two warheads from the snow. Junya’s eyebrows were slightly sharp and cohesive. “We don’t have the talent of her, but we need to learn from her shooting skills. People can’t stand still, not for themselves. Losing an excuse to find an excuse, we lost our recognition, but we must not lose it all the time.”

The snow is not as big as the general, the snow-like snow is swaying the world of white mountains, and Xia Jinyuan, who has two bullets in his hand, looks at his comrades. The sharp eyes are like the knives on the blade. It reveals the fear of fear: “So K7, we can admit defeat, but we can’t lose all the time.”

Even if the person who surpasses them is Ye Jian, who is his own girlfriend, he will not admit defeat, and will not make excuses for himself. “Winning for victory” is their consistent goal and will not change because of who.

Ye Jian knew that his 100 rounds of bullets were not wasted. When the military boots stepped on a warhead and bent over to pick up the head, he saw Li Xiaonian standing in front of the target. He was watching his own performance. .

Both off-targets are caused by him and require a thorough review.

Even later, it is guaranteed to make a 5000 update.

(End of this chapter)

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