Chapter 1644 The brutal attack

Siberian Crane knows that there will be comrades coming to support himself, because the goal of Q King is to capture the Jade Bird.

Although he did not understand why he had to make the captives in the “Captures Plan” a Jade Bird, he would definitely support Q King’s decision.

Even if this is a knockout trial, he will unconditionally support the decision of Q King.

Therefore, Ye Jian wants to make a quick decision, and he intentionally delays the time and waits for his comrades to come over.

“Blue Bird, are you sure you can win me?” Baihe is a professional and systematic training special soldier. He knows how to communicate is the real time for himself, and can not delay the time.

Avoiding Ye Jian’s sneak attack, he positioned his position to all the comrades in the vicinity, so whoever is closest to him will be able to rush.

Ye Jian did not give him a chance. Both of them had already killed the other side on the speed of the game, and they were still in the mood to chat with her. The leaves in my heart knew what the crane wanted to do.

“I want to capture me, I am sorry to be a white crane. I really don’t want to be a prisoner.” Ye Jian smiled at him, and the fighting dagger without a blade in his hand flashed quickly in the snow, and the dark sky could not cover it. When the dagger flashed through the cold light, Ye Jian, who was lightly loaded, shot again.

Fighting is a must for every snowy squad, and although Ye Jian has not officially become a snow squad, her fighting is not bad. She is on the same side with the white crane or with any snow squad. On, Ye Jian will not be timid.

This is a match, it is also a war, and she, how can she be timid when she is on the battlefield?

The soldiers are arrogant, and the pillows are waiting for you. The battlefield has already sent troops. People are blowing in the horn of the battlefield. The cruel wars and smokes are not allowed to go to the timid, and you are not allowed to retreat.

Why do you need harsh training in peacetime?

In order to get back to the battlefield to protect the homeland, you can return to peace and become a member of the family reunion!

As long as the “hunting” action is on the front of the two sides, the distance between the two players is absolutely not allowed to use guns and ammunition, and the empty bag bomb will kill people within three meters.

In the short distance, the tools you can use are only your own hands, and the daggers that you have no blades in your hand. This is the best weapon you can beat your opponent.

The white crane was stunned by the fierce and almost cruel attack of Ye Jian. She even chose to fight with him alone and did not let the water ghosts provide support!

This is not a simple fight, it is a battle of life.

There is no elegant movement, only strength, full of fierce movements, Ye Jian relies on the flexibility of the body, and deceives the white crane at the fastest speed. The dagger in his hand directly stalks the white crane’s chest.

The white crane from the scouts came from a scholarly family. The girl who was in contact with the young man was not a Sven, but he knew that Ye Jian, who is a soldier, is different from those girls, but when he is simple with the leaves, Still surprised by her fierce eyes and **** movements.

The military boots kicked into the snow, and the big snow rose up and flew toward Ye Jian. When a person’s front had something flying over, no matter whether it was light or heavy, the body’s most real reaction It is always a reflective dodge.

(End of this chapter)

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