Chapter 1645

The white crane wants to use Ye Jian’s dodge for a few seconds to make himself an attacker.

Unfortunately, he was wrong. Ye Jian was really not a female soldier who played the cards according to common sense. She did not dodge at all, but chose a more direct way to face the battle.

The snow hit her shoulder, even if she wore a thick winter jacket and was hit by a faint pain, and did not force Ye Jian to stop, she was still fearless frontal attack.

Because she knows that no longer speeding up the settlement of the white crane, the people of the snow squad will soon come to support, until then she is surrounded by all sides, want to escape nowhere to escape.

Ye Jian, who is a human being, knows best about “shou” and “take”. At this time, she must be willing to fight and be willing to suffer, in order to “take” the desired ending.

Short-term matches, winners are qualified to go on!

The lower abdomen, shoulders, calves, and arms are all fists of the white cranes. When the military boots are kicked, the strength of the man is always greater than that of the woman. When I kicked the body, the leaves simply felt that the bones seemed to split, and the one-handed buckled the white crane. On the wrist, Ye Jane directly hits his armpit and punches his right leg to the white crane’s knee.

She has no mercy. Similarly, the white crane has no mercy. Both of them have given their greatest strength to fight the other side.

The two men became fighting, and Ye Jian’s strength was not as big as that of a male soldier. However, she was very good at using her strengths, making up for the shortcomings with her physical flexibility and disrupting the deployment of the white crane.

The special forces’ fighting is really nothing more than a whistling trick. All the tricks are based on fast, accurate, and ambiguous, and strive to solve each other with their fastest speed.

“After five minutes.” In the white crane’s headset, Xia Jinyuan’s low and steady voice came. He needed to bypass the storm commando’s water ghosts, and at the same time avoid avoiding the confrontation with Li Zhaonian. Therefore, there was no way to arrive immediately.

The crane did not answer, and he was scared by Ye Jian’s action.

“Blue Bird!!” He drank, trying to stop Ye Jian’s self-harm behavior!

When Xia Jinyuan, who was lurking, listened, the look of Jun Yan’s face sank, and the white crane’s loud voice was full of worries. He was blocking Ye Jian, … Why should I stop Ye Jian? What happened?

In the north wind of the Minhang, there was a sudden spread of “drops” on behalf of the dead, and some people were killed in the “hunting” operation.

Xia Jinyuan, who had to take five minutes to arrive, arrived one minute earlier. He saw a figure lying in the white snow, and he was walking in the dull darkness.

The white crane lying in the snow looked at the comrades who appeared above him. His mouth was sighed by Ye Jian, and he sighed. “The female hero is very embarrassed to herself.”

“Oh.” Xia Jinyuan smiled lightly and looked at his comrades’ eyes a little cold. “Two defeats in the hands of the bluebird, Baihe, you need to send back the company and practice.”

The white crane face that was lying down suddenly changed. A squid hit up and stood up. The Q king is definitely not joking with himself. Although he is a joke, he never makes such a joke!

“Yes, Jade Bird, she is a female hero, she is very embarrassed to herself. That is when she knows what needs to be embarrassed to herself, to the enemy!” Not only is the twilight cold, Xia Jinyuan’s voice is cold, “And you, Not only can’t you be embarrassed about yourself, but you can’t even yell at our opponents! When does the White Cranes and Snowy Brigade need a group of special forces who show their kindness on the battlefield?”

(End of this chapter)

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