Reborn at Boot Camp: General, Don’t Mess Around!

v2 Chapter 1652 - The blue bird committed something

Chapter 1652, Blue Bird is guilty

Why does he always feel that the bluebird is unlucky?

Is the blue bird guilty?

Only when you have committed something, Q will only pick up your hands, otherwise, it will never be like this.

Jade Bird commits crimes? Will she commit a crime? How can the most cautious female soldier commit a crime? Looking at the look of the Q King, this is not a big deal.

“Q Wang, do you mean to let them block a few bluebirds?” J5 did not directly ask the Bluebird what he had committed, but asked him to avoid the darkness and darker color of the top of the head of Q.

Xia Jinyuan turned his head and glanced at him. His eyes were sharp like an eagle, and he was so excited that he fell on the face of J5 for a while. “”


Sure enough, it is a crime, and it is a big deal!

J5 is no longer asking more questions, and it is not the time to ask. The voices of the brothers are heard in the headset, and the latest situation is reported to Q King.

“There are a lot of sentiments, and I have pulled the barbed wire and put high voltage on the head. I have to crack the power first.” The snowy team members cut from the west touched the edge of the core position and stared at the entangled barbed wire. Everyone is gearing up.

It’s time to start doing it!

Xia Jinyuan slowly raised his hand and gently pressed the shrubs in front of him. His eyes looked cold and watched the soldiers patrolling the past. Through the night vision goggles, he saw the equipment on the soldiers clearly.

It’s really more high-end, and the red dot sights are much more advanced than the sights on their guns.

The command center is absolutely in the air.

“First touch the equipment on them and pay the gun directly.” Xia Jinyuan regained his comrade-in-arms. “The power is not destroyed in a large scale, and a transformer is turned off, leaving the mouth to facilitate the brothers behind.”

A few black shadows nestled beside the barbed wire were ordered, and the ghosts touched the edge of the barbed wire and began to destroy electricity.

In the eyes of Xia Jinyuan, there were four patrol soldiers plus two sentinels. Once again, he gestured to J5 to approach, and then his fingers were drawn on the snow.

“Don’t kill them six times at a time, Q Wang, are we too arrogant?” J5 pretended to be surprised, then turned his face again and again. “But it’s so dry! Cheng, that’s it.”

His finger clicked from the side of the combat attack. “I cut in from here. There are two trees in it. I will solve the sentinel here. You will solve the sentinel here, and then solve the four patrol soldiers together. “”

It is to repeat the deployment of Xia Jinyuan.

The windy night facilitated the members of the Snowy Brigade, and it was also very convenient for Ye Jian. Looking at the equipment in the hands of the patrolling soldiers, Ye Jian’s mouth could not be bent.

The “holographic diffractive” sight and infrared laser sights bring these two things to the hand, greatly improving the night combat capability, and will not let the target slip away from the eyelids.

“Distance of three meters, two meters, one meter, cover!”

As the number of leaf briefings approached, Li Yannian, who cooperated with her actions, screened and sent another patrol soldier directly down, and then the soldier was inexplicably stunned.

He patrolled back and forth in this field, and there was also a post, when did the man come in!

“I don’t want your gun, I only need the equipment on your gun.” Another, Ye Jian sneaked the sentinel from behind, a soldier who fell over the shoulder and fell directly into the fluffy snow, and fell face down. A snowy face.

When I got it, I even had two tubes of snow in my nose.

(End of this chapter)

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