Reborn at Boot Camp: General, Don’t Mess Around!

v2 Chapter 1653 - Strong enough firepower

Chapter 1653 is too strong

Ye Jian first picked up the assault rifle that fell into the snow, and then politely smiled at the soldier: “It’s hard, I need to take the equipment on the gun, and return it after the end.”

The soldiers who fell to some bun did not stop Ye Jian from taking the equipment on their guns. These equipments belonged to the special forces. Otherwise, they might be equipped with such high-end individual combat equipment.

The soldier who “squeaked out” the snow from the nose patted the snow on his face while watching.

He has been standing here, and the patrolling soldiers have also traveled back and forth. No ambushes have been found. When did the female special forces touch it?

The infrared laser sight is the same principle as the HUD used in fighters, etc., and the laser hologram is projected onto the sight. The gunner only needs to match the target with the red dot displayed in the center of the screen, and the trigger warhead can hit the target. .

And this is a little better. Generally, night vision equipment equipped with night vision device will make the visible field of view narrow, it is difficult to grasp the distance, so it is difficult to aim, and the infrared laser sight has the recognition bullet point, and can open both eyes for aiming and shooting. , greatly improved the hit rate.

Ye Jian is very satisfied with the equipment he got.

The equipment was loaded with various parameters, and Ye Jian was honoured by the soldiers after a military ceremony.

Li Xiaonian just put the red dot sight on his rifle. This is a kind of equipment that only needs to aim the light point at the target and can quickly complete the aiming action. Its biggest feature is that as long as the gun’s point of impact and the spot on the sight are adjusted in advance, even if the point of view is a little biased and the gun is pointing in the right direction, the red spot can be aimed at the target.

But the shortcomings are also obvious. Since the point of the laser spot is visible, it is necessary to shoot at the completion of the battle in the dark, otherwise it will be discovered by the other party.

“A bit of an accident, their individual combat equipment is too high-end.” Ye Jian went to Li Yannian’s side with some suspicious openings. “I feel a little bit wrong. The local troops are not field troops, so the sentinels are not equipped with such high-end equipment.” Equip it.”

Li Zhaonian was correcting the parameters, heard the words, and said: “No accident, the command center is inside. Our final position is to attack the command center and then meet the generals.”

Ye Jian suddenly realized.

There was a loud voice in the headset, they had destroyed the power grid and successfully entered the final combat area. Li Lannian and Ye Jian looked at each other and immediately went to the final combat area.

In front of them, they cleared the squad, and the sentinel and the patrolling soldiers did not touch one, that is to say, the eastward direction was completely cleared. At the same time, they all got the attachments of the guns. Some of the water ghosts even changed guns, and some even got machine guns. This firepower was fierce.

The electronic eye still works diligently and diligently. The technicians have not found a little movement to switch the screen several times, but the power grids in the east and west have suffered partial damage, which means that the two teams of special forces have successfully entered the final combat area.

“Report, KD7, TM12 transformer destruction! Initially suspected of the destruction of the two groups of soldiers entering the combat zone.”

“Report, four sentry posts in the east, eleven soldiers killed!”

“Report, five outposts in the West, thirteen soldiers killed!”

The east is the entry point of the devil, and the west is the entry point for the king of Q. So the two teams are about to run into it!

(End of this chapter)

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