Reborn at Boot Camp: General, Don’t Mess Around!

v2 Chapter 1654 - Positive exchanges between the two sides

Chapter 1654, the two sides exchanged fire

The commander’s naval commander and the army’s major generals couldn’t help but sit up straight, each holding a cup of green tea, indicating that the technicians would open all the electronic eyes so that they could better observe the operation of each special soldier.

The “warfire” has been opened, and the water monsters of the storm commando have all gathered together and took the lead in launching the position.

“Destroyed combat, quick fix!” Through observation and scout intelligence, according to shooting and maneuvering, Li Lannian began to arrange operations in groups. “Oh, you bring five riflemen to suppress the main shot, with one Machine gunners reinforcements.”

“Prawns, you are a rifle group, I am a fire reinforcement! Jade Bird, Otsuka, and I have a total of three people to fight back to the combat team. I am going to support the anemone.”

Anemone, the scout in the water ghost team, at this time, he was closest to the enemy’s stronghold, and he also positioned the enemy’s stronghold position, so that Li Yannian quickly entered the combat range.

With detailed position and fire points, Li Xiaonian quickly divided the players into three groups, Jade Bird, Daxie and himself as the detour combat group, while the prawn they used the fire suppression group to cover the round-trip combat group into the enemy camp. .

At the same time, in order to protect the rifle group, Li Yannian arranged a machine gunner for machine gun reinforcement.

This is a reinforcement weapon that compensates for the infantry’s lack of firepower. It is used for more violent shots to counter the enemy, block the enemy’s movements, and support the comrades in the group.

This arrangement is very reasonable. The rifle is not like a large-capacity projectile like a machine gun. Continuous automatic shooting will quickly run out the bullets in the magazine. At this time, the rifle team has to replace the magazine, which makes it impossible to complete the continuous fire suppression. shooting.

In this way, the machine guns have played a role. The machine guns have the ability to prevent the barrels and casings from overheating, and can continue to supply bombs. The continuous shooting time is also stronger than the rifles, which greatly protects the rifle group.

Even if the rifle group replaces the magazine or switches the concealed position, it can be advantageously protected.

Prawns belong to the entire group, including the reinforcements of the machine gunners. The fire suppression is not too dense, but the reinforcement of the rifle group and the gunman’s firepower.

It’s impossible to hit the end. Everyone has no bullets. You must have a “recession” firepower point.

It can be said that the risk factor of prawn is the highest. Once the rifle group, the machine gunner, and the roundabout combat team fail, he will have to be alone and use his own firepower to suppress the comrades to retreat quickly.

The bullets have already broken the calm in the depths of the whole mountain. The rest of the small sparrows were shocked by a group of pheasants rushing into the sky, and the pheasants huddled in the nests screamed and screamed in the bushes.

A few gray-haired hares seem to have no sense of direction. They squatted here for a while, and squatted there for a while. They were timid and shivered by bullets.

In the command center screen, when the bullets smashed the calm of the night, the picture that only saw the mountain and the snow suddenly had a “fire light”, which was the track of the empty package.

The soldiers of the enemy’s strongholds actually waited for a long time, and one of them was taut and stringed, and as soon as they heard the situation, they immediately acted.

Suddenly, the two sides exchanged fire on the front. The sound of “砰砰砰砰” was loud and deafening, and there was a kind of landslide-like collision. It seems that the next second will be razed to the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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