Chapter 1655 is only the first

The rifle group is to suppress the shooting, so it is not necessary to hit the enemy. It is only necessary to force the enemy in the stronghold to fail to carry out the action and achieve the effect of resisting the enemy.

The entire range is three hundred meters, and the big guns on their guns are equipped with high-end equipment, which is not a full-blown suppression. It can lock a wide range of targets to complete the shooting.

“Oh…hey…” came the voice of the dead, it was the sound of the laser marker.

In 1999, various force exercises did not complete the implementation of the laser simulator. Although the Soviet army did not develop some light weapons laser simulation systems in the 1980s, the cost involved was very large, and China is still in the trial stage for the time being.

In order to use the “laser mode control system”, in fact, the military department stepped on the construction and construction in this mountain area in May, in order to let the military and the top leaders who paid close attention to the match immediately know the whole game. .

At the same time, there are also experimental components in it to see where the need to improve and where to improve.

This “laser mode control system” uses laser emission and acceptance, and receives information such as satellite positioning data, ammunition stock, combat status, etc. sent by each laser simulation machine through the communication network, and transmits it to the military at the fastest speed. The top leaders in the country who are concerned about this match will be the first to know the progress of the match.

It also allows the top leaders to know the combat strength of the two teams in the first place.

Although the storm commando team was only established for one year, the captain of the commanding warfare has the ability to make this “zero-to-have” underwater special forces dare to compete with the army special forces for more than a decade. ”

“While the snow-capped battalion has the courage to fight, the captain who deploys the knives can make a decisive decision. Without destroying one force and completing the destructive warfare to suppress the firepower of the two platoons, his combat deployment is a veteran.”

At 7:30 in the evening, after the top leader finished the day’s work, he arrived at the military to observe the final confrontation between the two teams. When he saw the confrontation between the two armies, the top leader’s face was gratified, and he gave the combat level of Li Zhaonian and Xia Jinyuan. A very high affirmation.

Xiazhong will know that his own boy is a bit of a skill, and he knows it, but he never knows it. Now he is recognized by the top leader. Lieutenant General is still saying: “As a leader, how to fight and how to deploy is directly related to each person. The life of the soldier, who has the life of his teammates in his hands, must have extraordinary ability.”

“You are doing a good job, you are in your position and do your part. If the captain is not outstanding, it is better to leave the position early and let the person live.” Xia Zhongjiang’s words let the top leaders nod and acknowledge, “the two teams are very good.” With them leading, I have great hopes for their participation next year, I hope they can make persistent efforts and win next year.”

This is the first time that China has sent special forces to participate in international competitions. It is equivalent to discussing with other outstanding special forces of various countries.

Don’t talk about friendship first, match second, as a soldier, there is never a second, only the first!

“It must not be expected by the country!” Xia Zhong will stand up and make a military order to the top leadership. What the national leadership hopes is what he hopes with thousands of soldiers behind him.

Looking at the top screen of the top leaders, the majestic observation of the entire game, seeing the early deployment of several platoon forces was eliminated, the top leader’s mouth is pressed a little tight.

(End of this chapter)

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