Reborn at Boot Camp: General, Don’t Mess Around!

v2 Chapter 1656 - Strangling before and after

Chapter 1656 before and after strangling

The combat capability of local troops needs to be improved. The war will not only be a matter of the field forces, but also the responsibility of the second and third lines and the local garrison.

“Next year’s All-Army Congress will focus on the second and third tiers and the local garrison, let them give the country and give the people a score.” During the discussion, the top leaders will say such a paragraph to Xia Zhong, focusing on the civilian record. I will only come forward at the General Assembly next year.

In the screen, Ye Jian and Li Yinian have already touched the enemy position. A row of abandoned warehouses for storing wood is about 11 meters long and four meters wide. The warehouse is made of mud bricks and is a triangular roof. Similar to the warehouse of a brick factory.

The two men acted for each other’s assistance. When the voice came from the headset, they told the two that he had joined the scout sea anemone. Li Yannian moved quickly and flew into the abandoned warehouse.

For a long while, he confirmed the safety of the surrounding area, gesturing to move the leaf slips of the cover and warning.

The two moved so far, moving to the rear at the fastest and safest speed. When several figures appeared in the night vision goggles, Ye Jian quickly switched to semi-automatic shooting and began to encircle the rear.

“The fire in front is pressing! The big cockroach and the anemone are attacking from the side!” Li Yannian shot from the rear. He was fully automatic bursting shots to provide cover for Ye Jian, only to see a few “drops…” sound from the front. It has been reported that soldiers have “destroyed”.

“I rely on! I have copied it! Support behind!”

“North side…, hehe…” A soldier’s words were not finished, and he was stunned and pulled off from the abandoned wood and killed directly.

“Light, light, I am gone, what are you dragging.” From the heights, he was slammed down. The soldier was still in a panic. He saw the other side pulling his collar to the corner of the wall. He rubbed his head on a piece of wood and he hurt his teeth.

Dad smiled and said: “Brother, give us a foot to make it, this broken place is a little bit smashed and the whole wall has collapsed, and it is used by your body.” It is extremely shameless.

The soldiers must be mad at the mouth. “I have hung up, you still want to use waste!”

“The right pair, waste utilization, waste utilization.” Daxie not only did not get angry but smiled. The local soldiers were a bit mean, and they all said they were “waste”.

“Rely, hurry!” The unlucky soldiers have no room to resist. If they are really hung on the battlefield, it is not impossible to be dragged as a stepping stone.

The big scorpion and the anemone are cut from the north side, which is equivalent to dividing the whole warehouse into two. The two are in tandem, one hits the front and one hits the back. As a result, the soldiers in the entire warehouse are not only the enemy, but even Both were attacked in the middle.

“The machine gunner is advancing!”

“The rifle group moves back and forth, strangling back and forth!”

In the warehouse, Li Yinian’s instructions were issued one by one. When the bullet was prompted to enter the countdown “trailer” shooting, he immediately said to Ye: “Warning, changing the bomb!”

The tracer is loaded in advance when loading ammunition into the magazine, usually in the position of the third last bullet. In this case, as long as the tracer appears, it is necessary to replace the magazine.

Ye Jian quickly warned, while Li Lannian replaced the magazine with his back against the wall.

“Clear, move forward!” Hearing the sound of the magazine pushing, knowing that he completed the loading of the leaf Jane accurately solves the other gunman of the other body, and the firepower of the in-depth combat will be solved.

(End of this chapter)

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