Reborn at Boot Camp: General, Don’t Mess Around!

v2 Chapter 1675 - Waiting for your peace to return

Chapter 1675 is waiting for your return of peace

The Almighty King of the Almighty King took a few steps between the leaves, and clasped her shoulders with one hand, raised her long legs, and perfectly matched her hands and feet, and once again smashed Ye Jian into the snow again.

After a moment of turning into the ground, the whole face was covered with snow in the leaf Jane can be said that this time is her most embarrassing time, but also the worst.

“Now you, is there any way to escape from my hand? Want to use small cleverness!” Xia Jinyuan, who fell Ye Jian into the snow, looked at him with cold eyes, and the thin lips became a straight line. Is your little smart useful on the battlefield where you see the real chapter?

He is forcing her, forcing her to more clearly recognize the cruelty of the war, forcing her to breathe again in her own blood and tears.

In the nose, all the snow leaves can only breathe with a big mouth and mouth, and the pain in the chest can only be endured.

“No use, there is no cleverness on the battlefield!” She replied loudly to him, forcefully pulled the voice out of her chest, and then passed through her throat and answered him with a **** smell.

Her answer did not come to an end, the torture continued, feeling the suffocating scent of his body, feeling his anger, Ye Jian knew that this summer and today is really ironic to clean up.

Once, he told her very seriously and responsibly that they were lovers and comrades-in-arms. When one day she made a mistake, he would never be merciless because she was his lover.

On the contrary, it will only be harsher and more demanding!

If you want to grow into a real commando, you will have more sweat and tears than you think.

And the lesson you have learned, the blood that flows through is more than you think!

Have not yet entered the snowy squad, Ye simple has already tasted the severe punishment of Xia Jinjin.

“Knowing that you are guilty, sin plus one!” Xia Jinyuan snorted coldly, pulling her back collar and pulling it up from the snow, but without waiting for his next move, Ye Jian stood up and rebelled.

She suddenly turned her body to the side and grabbed the wrist that he was pulling on his back…. She realized her mistake and was taught by his mistakes. She accepted it, but it did not mean giving up resistance for this!

Now they are opposites!

With his head lowered, he flexed from the waist of Xia Jinyuan’s wrist and twisted it again. As a result, Xia Jinyuan’s arm was tightened. In order not to let her arm twist her hand, she had to loosen it.

Such tenacity and so strong, so that Xia Jinyuan is full of joy.

Because he knows that his little fox will not give up even if he is in a desperate situation. As long as he has the opportunity to get away, she will grasp it.

If you make a mistake, you will need to be punished, and he is more willing to see how she corrects her mistakes.

My lover, my comrade-in-arms, I am watching you to shoot away from the gun, and wait for your peace to return!

I am so hopeful, full of hope, just to wait for your blood to return, a figure of smoke once again appeared in my sight, once again hold your hand, once again hug you!

Looking at the lover who once again broke free from his own hands, Xia Jinyuan’s thin lips had a very light smile.

Xia Jinyuan, who didn’t consume too much physical strength, was more aggressive than once. At the end, he pressed Ye Jian’s back neck with one hand, and the other hand buckled her hand. The action was extremely fierce and pressed Ye Jian on the tree. Let her face cling to the cold and rough bark.

Next, it is the real end!

(End of this chapter)

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