Reborn at Boot Camp: General, Don’t Mess Around!

v2 Chapter 1676 - Military, when it is (New Year's Pass GO)

Chapter 1676 Military, if it is (New Year’s Pass)

“Blue Bird, I told you very clearly, you will become our captive.” The hand grabbed Ye Jian’s neck and then pressed her body sideways. The thin lips were close to the ear of the leaf, and the sound came cool. “Now, do you still want to run? Is there any strength to run? Is there any guts to make a solution like a white crane?”

The words in front are all paving the way, the focus is on the last sentence.

After Ye Jian struggled for a few times and could not break away, he no longer wasted his strength and answered calmly. “No, I already know it wrong.”

“Dare to use such small cleverness to deal with the white crane, the blue bird, you let too many people disappointed!” Xia Jinyuan not only did not loose their own hand strength, but more forcefully pressed Ye Jian neck.

Fortunately, Ye Jian took the helmet, otherwise, the five senses will be deformed by him.

“Chen Shu has not taught you this way, the roots have not taught you this way, I have not, the troops are not, no one is there! And you, obviously can win the white crane, but use that means, you know On the real battlefield, the enemy likes you to die!”

He is right, he can win, but he uses the most stupid way. This time he is so eager to pack himself, just to let her learn the lesson.

“Do I have to show my feelings because I know you? I have to be merciful because of each other’s identity? No, because I am a soldier, one is only standing on the battlefield, even father and son, lover, friend, brother, as long as each other There is no reluctance to talk about confrontation and confrontation, and it will not be stopped because of the temptation of the other party!”

“Blue Bird, remember your identity, you are a soldier!”

He had a low-pressure voice, and he spoke in her ear, and the face was rubbed by the bark to the painful leaf, and her eyes closed, and she breathed deeply in rhythm.

Yes, when one day the most familiar people become opposites, there is no mercy, only a desperate fight!

The chest is rushing and the leaves are screaming, and the cold wind is poured into the dry throat. The knife is scraped, the throat is sore, and he listens quietly to his lesson. He accepts this humbly… .

“Take out the enthusiasm for the enemy.” Major General Liu pressed the cup of tea with one hand, so that the strength was a little big, and the palms were pressed out of the edge of the cup. “The green bird’s resistance is admirable, and the indomitable one must keep a soldier. Proud.”

At this point even the technicians fell their sights on the stubborn and unyielding slender figure, really…good!

Military, as it is!

Ye Jian still didn’t know that her own struggle and resistance once again won the favor of senior generals, and she was calculating the time quickly.

The capture of the body does not mean that the brain has been captured. It has been thirty-eight minutes since it was discovered. The progress of the demon king should be smooth, but she has no way to delay the time.

There is still a little time left until the end of the match, and my physical strength is basically exhausted, and there is no way to escape from the hands of Q.

If you don’t want to be a prisoner, you can only take a rest and look at the situation. If you have the opportunity to escape and escape, she will definitely hurry.

“You are now captured, Jade Bird. Enjoy the treatment as a prisoner.” After the training, Xia Jinyuan used ropes to smother the leaves from his shoulders to his wrists, and then hit a knot to prevent herself. Remove the rope and leave.

When she was finished, she went to her in front of her and opened the searchlight on her helmet. She looked at the bruised face of her mouth and his slender fingers were tight.

(End of this chapter)

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