Chapter 1682 I am afraid

After chasing K7 from the back, I saw that the road was like a mountain, and the figure of the lighthouse in the hearts of all the comrades was standing in the air and standing straight, standing on the faces of several passing nurses. Walk around the road.

“Rescue takes a little time, sit down.” K7 came over and stood side by side with him, looking at the red light above the rescue room, reminding again, “You have two injuries in your hands, and then you will not touch the plan and wait for the leaves.” Is Jane’s face full of your blood?”

Xia Jinyuan raised his hand and looked at his palm, and finally moved his footsteps.

When he sat in the cold plastic chair, he looked weak at the K7. In the light, he had a little bit of sweat in his clear forehead and asked: “Is there any sequelae after the rescue?”

“There is more to go.” K7 kept his words plain and concise, handing over the medical items in his hands and “packaging himself.”

Oh, let him worry more and worry, then hey, how do you know why?

Xia Jinyuan saw that his comrades were in a bad mood. Just like him, he did the same. He took no more questions about medicines. He didn’t even have a mood to talk now. It’s okay to have sequelae. He only needs her to live as long as he lives. “Live well.

“Why are you trying to clean up her?” K7 did not hold back, and the mouth faintly asked her, “I have been beaten like this, what are you thinking in your heart!”

Thinking about? What was he thinking at the time?

I think of those comrades who sacrificed, and those who have sent away those who have never returned, think of those who have not yet found the remains and let the souls return to their hometown. He thinks of this.

“Is R2 still remembering?” The injured right hand stalked the injured left hand, and the eyes of Xia Jinyuan, whose eyes were drooping, were so bitter that they added Huanglian. “She left the old road of R2, so I was afraid.”

The old road of R2!

K7 body is a shock, the fingertips have been slightly shaking, in order to cover up their attitude, K7 some action rudely took the gauze in the hands of Xia Jinyuan’s right hand, wandering around, no more words in his mouth.

R2 is their comrade-in-arms. He sacrificed abroad two years ago. The mission was not for him. He asked for it.

He said that he used to be his best brother. He wanted to personally solve the best brothers and give the country a confession.

He died in the hands of a brother who used to be able to interact with each other. The frontline came back and said that he asked the best brother before his sacrifice. If he died on his gun, he would be able to return to the country and surrender.

The man said: “If he dies, he will definitely return home and surrender.”

R2 tempted the former brother, took his own life to test, and the result… No, I really lost my life.

From the side door of the hospital, the team members of the snow-capped squad that came up from the fire stairs came to feel the strange atmosphere. The back of the summer and the eyes of the hands wrapped in the hands of the hands were tied to the cold wall, and the expressionless eyes closed.

Sitting in the plastic chair opposite him, K7 held the helmet and lowered his head, not knowing what was going on.

The two did not communicate, but they were flowing with each other to make everyone feel heavy and depressed. This is how it happened! The blue bird is not made?

Everyone in the heart brushed “squeaky”, then stepped up and walked with the cold, J5 expression, whispered, “How is the situation?”

Tonight, four thousand, more tomorrow, there is something to delay today. good night.

(End of this chapter)

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