Reborn at Boot Camp: General, Don’t Mess Around!

v2 Chapter 1683 - Helpless helplessness

Chapter 1683 helpless helplessness

The footsteps that came over made the two people who seemed to be emptied with their thoughts move, and the back of the head touched the wall and moved to the side of Xia Jinyuan. They saw that their comrades had not changed their combat sacs and rifles and changed their bodies. The jungle combat uniforms and the combat military boots appeared one after another.

“Come.” He snorted and snorted, and his head was still waiting.

It took only ten minutes to go, but it took ten hours for a ten-minute period.

Long wait, silent waiting, watching the closed rescue room door, Xia Jinyuan gently closed his eyes.

The waiting in the battlefield and the waiting in the hospital are two different moods. Waiting in the battlefield, he can calm down, calm down, and the opportunity to come.

The waiting in the hospital, so long, and so feels that life is so fragile, the smell of disinfectant everywhere is like the smell of death, everywhere, pervasive, you can not escape, can not avoid.

This kind of waiting is full of helpless helplessness, and it is full of hope, and at the same time, people are full of panic.

Xia Jinyuan thought that he would never like to go to a hospital in this life. After a long time, he would torture a normal person with physical and mental health into a neuropathy.

The red light is still on, even if the neck is stretched, I can’t see what the situation is inside, and his love, his “life” is still lying inside, not facing the sight of the comrades, Xia Jinyuan Have chosen to ignore.

He doesn’t want to say anything now, only his lover in his heart and mind.

The summer majors who exuded the suffocation of “the stranger is not close” let the comrades watch a few more eyes, and then moved their sights to the K7 standing up.

“Go to the top of the rooftop to say.” K7 put the helmet under his arm and walked toward the fire stairs with his long legs.

At this time, it was already dawning. The K7 standing on the top of the rooftop had a cold wind with a smell of snow. Facing the comrades who were all concerned about how to come back, the cold-faced face was cold and cold, and the sight was from The comrades-in-arms even slipped through the face where the oil paints were not cleaned. Just as everyone thought he needed to continue brewing and brewing, the K7 would not be open.

As soon as I opened it, I voted for two grenades, a killing grenade, a chemical grenade, and first smashed everyone, then stunned and stunned.

“The bluebird has gone the old road of R2.”

K7 told me that, a few words, has made everyone’s eyes suddenly sharp, the corners of the mouth collectively pressed, because of their changes, the north wind that has been blown seems to be lead, heavy, full of pressure.

The roof is very cold and the wind is very strong. This is a sun without the sun and no snow. Only the weather in the heavens and the earth is gloomy. The standing figure standing on the roof is like a poplar that looks like the wind and the snow. No matter how fierce the wind is, it can’t hold them down. Straight figure, straight back.

This is a group of soldiers who are fighting on the front line, guarding the country with their lives, and a group of soldiers who are loyal to the country. They have flowed too much blood, suffered too many injuries, and some even died a little bit.

The road they took was too difficult, too hard, and all of them were brave men walking on the tip of the knife. They screamed and screamed all the way.

So bitter, so hard, I haven’t seen them drop a tear. At this time, there are already waters passing by the corners of the eyes. The special soldiers of the iron skeletons secretly wiped their tears, clenched their teeth, and rushed hard. Emotional and incomparable brutality.

(End of this chapter)

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