Reborn at Boot Camp: General, Don’t Mess Around!

v2 Chapter 1734 - Be careful, comrades

Chapter 1734 Beware, comrades

It’s a bad gun and a dog. The military is really going to train the two teams in the “death”. How come you come!

J5 counted the number of broken guns, and all the statistics were not sneered by “hehe”, and all the guns had problems! When they got the equipment, the navy commander smiled and said: “Besides not giving you a GPS, a compass, the rest, all the equipment is the best for you.”

Yes, the package is really top-notch. When I saw the combat training equipment table, no one was surprised.

The helmet is “Kevlar”. It can not only resist bullets and shrapnel attacks, but also become the soldier’s “second brain” helmet, which houses a miniature radio, a microphone and a pair of headphones. A radar equipment that allows the commander to know the exact location of the soldier at any time.

The weapons on hand have “main battle weapons”, but unfortunately there are 12 rifles that have problems, as well as “self-defense weapons”, a pistol and a dagger.

Carrying goggles, combat uniforms, body armor, and hand and foot equipment are all equipped with the latest equipment. They are even more advanced than the portable equipment that they used to return to the dark.

There are also a lot of auxiliary combat equipment, from survival signal lights to anti-reflective equipment, to thermal imagers, special glasses… all!

Looking at a very expensive equipment, the team members of the two teams look at me, I look at you, there is only one expression on the face: the equipment is too good, so the heart is panic!

Some tricky.

Nothing to be diligent, no traitor is stealing!

Although it is said that the military is not very kind, but! The military is already doing something bad!

Xia Jinyuan licked his “bad” rifle in his hand, and his thin lips twitched slightly. He said: “It seems that the ambush in front is a bit of a head, the devil, we have to do a big job.”

The only “cold” expression that stayed next to the demon remains the same throughout the year, faintly answered, “wait and see.”

The channel is boiling, especially the “wild wolves” of the snow group, all of them are rushing to the two eyes to produce fierce light. “Exactly, we are not waiting for a big fight, I like it!”

“Two, arrange it! They want to catch us, let’s take a look!”

According to the training arrangements, there are anti-war and anti-annihilation.

Xia Jinyuan, a commander, was not in a hurry. He heard the discussion in the channel, and he played a bullet on his finger, and the channel returned to calm within a second.

“All the stops, the scouts have left for an hour and seven minutes, and there is no news until now. Even if you want to do a big job, I don’t want to win without a grip.”

“A brother special force has been active in northern Xinjiang for a long time. At this time, it is just winter training for cold and fatigue. I guess if there is an ambush in front, it is likely to be this special force.”

Li Yannian converges on the light, and sinks: “The Special Force of the Wolf, formerly known as the first special force that we sent out to solve the northern Xinjiang. From the 1970s to the early 1980s, the world-class ace sniper. The code name “夔” is from this unit.”

World-class ace sniper… I don’t know why Ye Jian heard the eyelids here and he couldn’t help but jump a few times. Nothing, the heart rushed up and couldn’t tell, and the unclear flustered.

Soon, this unclear fluster was crushed by a bigger question.

(End of this chapter)

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