Reborn at Boot Camp: General, Don’t Mess Around!

v2 Chapter 1735 - "Wolf" in Northern Xinjiang

Chapter 1735 “The Wolf” of Northern Xinjiang

Hey, a leg monster in ancient Chinese mythology, like a cow, with a body and no horns, one foot, the water will be wind and rain, its light is like the sun and the moon, its sound is like thunder, its name is 夔.

I don’t know how, when she heard Li Xiaonian mention “world-class ace sniper”, what she thought of in her mind was… Chen Shu.

“Yes, I suspect that the brothers of this special force are waiting for us.” Xia Jinyuan beheaded, and the faint sound of the voice was a bit thin. “The “wolf” from the northern Xinjiang is not a good deal, you all have the flesh. Tightened, it’s not for shame to run away.”

At this time, it was the home of the Snowy Brigade. The Storm Commando listened quietly throughout the whole process. They had to listen quietly because it was a time to absorb valuable experience.

Even the devil, Li Lannian, did not speak easily!

If it is really a special army of the wolf, the Gobi, the beach can be their home, this piece, I am afraid that they have already trained to close their eyes and can come out.

Li Yannian once again admired Xia Jinyuan’s command deployment ability. He always took a step ahead of others for each battle arrangement. This is the step that determines the victory and defeat of the entire battle.

Two kilometers away from them, a soldier wearing a camouflage suit with the color of the Gobi put the telescope down and quietly said to his comrades around him: “I will not come, it will take a few hours, come, early It’s time to come.”

When I heard this tone, I knew that I was still a soldier who was not at home and was not trained.

There seems to be no one around him, but it is true that someone has a low opening. “Take you over and practice your hand. It is just to give others a live target. The recruit, your head is not too much to abandon it, want people Give it a big bloom?”

“Give me a tight!”

There was a cold voice coming out from under a pile of gravel, a veteran of the perfect disguised Wolf Special Forces, carrying a group of new soldiers for winter training.

On the day before the return to the team, I received a command from the superior. A group of brothers from the South entered the Gobi to complete the winter training, and asked them to point out the soldiers from the south.

The soldiers in the south are afraid of cold! Soldiers in northern Xinjiang know!

Going to Gobi to complete the winter training, I am really worried that they will directly become a humanoid “ice stick” in the middle of the night.

The number is small, only forty, the personnel are unknown, the strength is unknown, the only information that is known is that the superior tells them that the brothers who come are all hard characters.

It is the word “hard role”, which ignited the whole army’s good war.

The hard characters from the south ran to the northern Xinjiang to train. To tell the truth, they really saw more, but when they arrived in the northern Xinjiang, they were given a night temperature. Oh, it was hard to see.

I hope that the “hard role” that comes back from this is really hard, not that it will be soft when it goes to northern Xinjiang.

After training the recruits, the veterans continued to move in a high ground, looking down from him, and the range of one kilometer ahead was under his surveillance.

About 900 meters away from him, the same perfectly camouflaged long eagle quietly slammed into the team. “Two hours, I finally saw the figure. From my 920 meters, the whistle two, 100%. The veteran brought a recruit.”

Only the recruits can’t help but move from time to time, veterans, can bear, and one day and night are not a problem.

According to Q Wang, the blue bird can sniper for three days and three nights without drinking a sip of water, not eating a dry ration, and finally completing an accurate sniper.

I did a cystoscopy today. I started to line up at 9:00 in the morning and entered the examination room at 11:30. About five minutes, I checked the pain and yelled at Qingyun. The nurse’s hand was caught by me…, my heart beat more than 100. The limbs were trembling. When the doctor came down, the doctor helped me to lie down for three hours.

Pain, pain, too painful!

Still writing, update before twelve o’clock

(End of this chapter)

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