Chapter 1750 My Punishment

The punishment of the devil is more severe than the punishment of the king of Q…

The purpose of the emergency gathering is to maintain the team’s combat effectiveness and discipline, and always be vigilant, and can fight quickly whenever the order is issued.

The general force required the assemblers to complete the required dress and wear the relevant weapons and equipment within five minutes, while the storm commando and the snowy brigade had an emergency collection time of three minutes, for no reason, because they were a special combat special forces.

The sharp whistle sounded, and the two team members appeared in the fastest speed in front of Xia Jinyuan and Li Lannian.

Ye Jian, who was sleeping alone, was awakened from the nightmare. She even woke up and even had dozens of seconds to respond to where she was and where she was.

She had a nightmare, dreamed of her previous life, dreamed of her time before she died, dreaming that she had taken the water that was usually handed over by her colleagues. After she finished drinking, she went to the hotel manager’s office, she knew clearly. Chu dreamed that he was pushed down by the animal to the desk, and the dirty hand pulled her shirt into the clothes.

What happened then?

The sharp whistle came again, and it seemed to be more rapid than the previous one. The leaves that had been slammed down were blinking lightly, some were awkward, some were helpless, and more were sad.

“There is still a minute, the last minute.” Xia Jinyuan’s voice came from the empty place, and his sight was directed at the two-point direction he faced, which is the direction of Ye Jian.

She has always acted quickly, and it has not appeared yet, it is a bit abnormal.

Ye Jane was waking up in the second emergency whistle, and she was completely awake from the dream mirror she didn’t want to recall.

She is not the Ye Jian who was too late to wake up in her previous life. She is now a soldier. She is training now. She still needs to go abroad to fight!

Ye Jian, who was awake, squid and squatted up. There was no sorrow in the black shackles, no confusion, no helplessness, only coldness that was clearer than the moonlight.

Put on the equipment at the fastest speed, pick up the rifle that does not leave the hand, she is a Qingsong-like soldier wearing a helmet, so calm and confident.

“Come on, Ye Jian!” She gently encouraged herself in her heart, and her face ran towards the assembly point.

The time of the stopwatch changes quite fast, and the blue screen refracts to the young major face holding the stopwatch, so that his handsome eyebrows are still three minutes cooler than the cold moon in the sky.

There are still twenty-five seconds, he looked at the direction of two points, has not appeared!

Li Lannian apparently noticed, and said: “She will be late, and this time my punishment is heavy.”

“Your punishment has always been heavy.” Xia Jinyuan clenched his mouth. He was not afraid of the punishment of the devil, but he was somewhat worried about Ye Jian, one who would never be late, but would be late today.

Is there a problem with my body?

There should be no. When she gave her a textbook last night, she did not find that her body was abnormal, and her mental state was also good. After training for one day, except for the tiredness between the eyebrows, there was no problem.

Xia Jinyuan’s twilight is a bit cold. Since it is not a physical problem, it is that the vigilance has not reached the highest point. Once the high-intensity training is relaxed, even the vigilance is reduced.

“My punishment is really heavy, but it is all punished on the spot.” Li Yannian, who was so pale, looked at the stopwatch in his hand, and then looked around, and the cold and cold eyes were weak.

(End of this chapter)

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