Chapter 1751 Lessons from Blood

Their current position is a semi-solidified desert. It is not a long yellow sand that grows in the grass. It grows some vegetation, and the colors of a cluster of clumps are a bit bleak.

Don’t underestimate the vegetation, all of them have spikes that can be tied directly into the flesh.

In the past few days, the players of the two players have not been smashed by them. Fortunately, the combat uniforms are thick, and there are warm suits inside. Even if they are tied, they are only small **** mouths.

And Li Lannian said that he was punished on the spot, then… Xia Jinyuan also looked around, and then looked at Li Lannian, pointing to the vegetation, “Here?”

“Yeah.” One word answered. At the same time, Li Yannian pressed his own stopwatch and looked at the figure that ran over. The thin lips froze and said: “5 seconds late”

Xia Jinyuan also pressed the stopwatch and looked at the figure that ran over. The thin lips were pressed tighter and they all became straight.

It seems that she has no problem with her body and her mental state is very good…. Oh, two hours of rest, gathering at one o’clock in the morning, she is late!

Ye Jian, who has been in the past five seconds of three minutes, has not yet ran over, and he feels that Xia Jinyuan’s line of sight is swept straight to her with a bullet, and the coldness makes people feel cold.

“You are late.” He only said these three words and then retreated to the position. He gave the position to Li Yinian. The punishment for the late soldiers is also decided by Li Lannian. Then she got better.

The devil’s punishment will always conform to his code name, full of magic, and harsh to the point of being harsh.

It is normal for ordinary people to be five seconds late. Who is not late, it is normal.

But for a soldier, five seconds behind the battlefield is a delay in the aircraft, a bullet firing speed of three seconds, you are five seconds late, the enemy bullets have been swept over.

Ye Jian took a deep breath and walked to the front of the team to “report”.

No one fell on Ye Jian’s eyes, and no one wanted to ask her why she was late, even though they all knew that the Jade Bird was a very punctual, always strict female soldier, but this time she was late, that is late.

There is no reason and no explanation is needed. She is late.

“Other people disbanded, the green bird left.” The emergency collection was completed. With the opening of Li Yinian, the players quickly left and went back to rest, and Ye Jian stayed behind and waited for the punishment of Li Dewang.

One minute passed, and the empty sands were only left in the summer, and there was no way to move, and they stood tall and stood up.

“From here, roll down.” Li Dewang never likes nonsense, pointing to the sand **** with thorny vegetation, and said: “Three laps, go back to sleep.”

Rolling three times into the barbed vegetation seemed to be easy. In fact, the rolling leaf Jane thought she would not be punished for this life.

With his head rolling, Ye Jian used his body to run over the pointed thorny vegetation, sharp sharp thorns into the clothes, and then stabbed into the flesh, … comparable to the sword.

Moreover, it is not possible to roll the same position, climb up from the sand **** and walk to the top of the sand slope, then roll down from another position. After the third lap is over, Ye Jian does not know how many fine and dense. Little blood hole.

She was light when she was late for punishment.

“If there is another time, the blue bird, the punishment for you will only be heavier.” Li Yannian looked at the female soldier who had been stabbed in the mouth and his mouth was indifferent. “I hope you will not There is next time.”

(End of this chapter)

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