Reborn at Boot Camp: General, Don’t Mess Around!

v2 Chapter 1770 - Xinjiang Land Group

Chapter 1770 Xinjiang Land Group

Two helicopters have already landed, and the third has entered the landing track to complete the landing action. Xia Jinyuan looks up at the air “Iron Eagle” who can cross the no-man’s land, and is extremely proud to tell the members of the storm commando team around him, “This is One of the most dangerous and difficult routes in the world, the Ali Plateau was identified as a restricted area for helicopters, but the soldiers of the Airways flew safely. Their courage is admirable.”

“They and the officers and soldiers of the highest altitude post in China are called “children of stars and snow” by the Xinjiang troops. The most common ones accompanying them all year round are the stars in the sky and the white snow all the way.”

Xia Jinyuan spent nearly a year in the snowy plateau. In addition to protecting the secret bases built by China, other time is not patrolling, it is to understand the snowy plateau and the northwestern forces. Therefore, what is the history of each unit here? He can say anything about heroic miracles.

No matter where it is, there are admirable soldiers guarding the national priests, even Xia Jinyuan, who is a special soldier, admire them.

The members of the storm commando team listened very seriously. Some were far away from the summer and the present, and there was a direct aircraft propeller sound. If they didn’t listen too clearly, they would ask the snow team members around them. After asking, they knew the snowy brigade. The players are very familiar with it.

During the waiting process, the members of the storm commando team learned a lot about the soldiers and soldiers of the frontiers in the frontiers, even if they only smashed a few stories, they also made the eyes of the iron-clad man’s eyes red.

The third helicopter completed the landing, and the crew passed the radar to the fourth crew to send out the alternate command.

When they escorted the two troops who entered the plateau training, they will fly to the border defense of Pran to refuel and complete the air patrol today.

One of the Luhang soldiers with laptops operated a three-dimensional chart that could help them fly on the plateau, and contacted the fourth crew member. “It is visible that the snow clouds are gathering and quickly landed!”

“Received, received, there are still three hundred and seventy meters away from the second track.”

A series of parameters such as flight speed and flight altitude are accurately reported from the crew technicians, and the pilot of the aircraft starts to enter the correct orbit to complete the landing according to the radar display.

Ye Jian looked at the incomparable acquaintance of the Lu Hang soldiers, his eyes full of admiration.

The northwest of the Xinjiang is a bitter cold land, and it is also our land, the north and south of the Tianshan Mountains, the desert Gobi, the plateau snow-capped mountains, the Kunlun Mountains… These are the areas where even the birds are not close, but they are conquered by the officers and men stationed in the territory. .

The sky in which the birds have never flown, the soldiers of the land are not afraid of life and death to drive the “Iron Eagle”, and they are guarded by the hurricane and snow. It is precisely because they use the guardianship of life that they make the northwestern frontier of China peaceful.

“Take a seat belt, the storm arrives, we need to avoid it.”

Entering the route track, less than ten kilometers from the landing point, the storm that came here swept through and thundered at lightning speed.

The air is deprived of oxygen, and the snow is heavy all year round. In June, the bright sun shines brightly on the snow-capped mountains. It can be clouded in the blink of an eye. Suddenly, the size of the hay-like hail and snow will increase, and the temperature will drop by a dozen degrees.

It’s still the same in June, not to mention the cold winter, and Xia Jinyuan, who talks with the storm commando team, stares at the fourth helicopter. As there are layers of snow clouds on the side of the rolling snow mountain, he The darkness of the darkness is deeper and deeper.

(End of this chapter)

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