Reborn at Boot Camp: General, Don’t Mess Around!

v2 Chapter 1771 - Hey, it’s a good idea!

Chapter 1771, I saw it!

K7 looked at the watch and looked at the snow cloud that gathered quickly. The tone of no ups and downs was slightly compressed. “I am afraid there will be a big blizzard. We are a ventilator here.”

The landing point of the helicopter is indeed a vent, surrounded by mountains and undulating, like a large canyon. Only the landing point of the helicopter is flat and open, suitable for patrol helicopters to undulate and land.

What worries K7 is that the entrance to the vent is narrow. When the blizzard comes, it will first squeeze through the narrow entrance. The power of the wind and snow will increase. The helicopter will not be able to complete the landing. It will only make the helicopter have to fly away from the landing point because it cannot land. .

The soldiers of the Snowy Brigade are soldiers of the amphibious special forces of the sea, land and air. They know very well that once the helicopters can’t finish the landing, they are like a leaf in the wind blowing in the snowstorm that swept through them. The accident of death.

The third helicopter has completed the take-off action, landing only one point, must fly to the fourth helicopter.

The crew looked at the precise and intuitive three-dimensional chart, and the crews contacted each other to report the latest weather conditions.

“Look for the landing point and temporarily stop flying!”

“Received, received! Distance to the landing point of 1,700 meters, complete the second landing.”

“Ready to land, prepare to land, attention to the crew, ready to land.”

“From the landing point of 2,164 meters, complete the second landing, ready to land, and finish.”

The two helicopters that took off in the front were looking for a suitable landing point and began to complete their second landing.

Situations like this are too common for Northwest Airlines pilots and crew patrol soldiers. They will not panic when driving the Black Hawk. They will find the right landing point and complete the landing at the fastest speed and the shortest time.

“Collection, collection!” The third helicopter has not yet flown, and Xia Jinyuan blows a short and whistling whistle, indicating that all the players will complete the collection quickly.

It’s changing!

A large expanse of snow clouds rolled from the top of the Tianshan Mountains, and the cumulus clouds in the Uganda were like snow monsters, and began to ravage the entire plateau.

The storm commando team standing at the helicopter landing point less than two kilometers above sea level has not seen the snow, and has already felt the power of natural weather changes.

“Hey, it’s been seen! It’s been alive for nearly 30 years, and the head came back and said that it snowed when it snowed.” A storm commando teammate who played with the sea and saw the sky with falling snow and dark face. Full of surprises.

In the last second, he could still see the blue to the clear sky like crystal. The next second, the snow clouds of the mountain and the river will come and roll, and the snow-capped mountains that seem to enter the nine miles will be covered in a moment.

The wind was rampant, the snow was falling, the temperature began to drop sharply, and the snow cream was condensed on the eyelashes for five minutes.

Ye Jian was a four-fifth-day joint training school on December 12th. It is just one month in the past, just entering the coldest month in Xinjiang. It is normal to say that it is under the snow.

“Come your mouth together, beware that a few hail falls, and you will find your teeth all over the place.” Faced with a blizzard of great natural power, the anemone reminds his comrades coldly. “And, the devil and the bluebird have a total of ten people.” Have you arrived yet, can you temporarily put the surprise away?”

Ye Jian and Li Yannian and four members of the Snowy Brigade, four Storm Commando team members left a helicopter, there is a pilot on the plane, four crew members, a total of fifteen people have not completed the landing.

(End of this chapter)

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