Reborn at Boot Camp: General, Don’t Mess Around!

v2 Chapter 1777 - Not afraid to be held accountable?

Chapter 1777 is not afraid to be held accountable?

The Ardoga Gorge is the only place to enter the Shenxianwan post, and then go up to the “Kudida.”

The case of Kudida is going up again. According to the characteristics of the patrol aircraft, it is impossible to fly directly to Mazda, so the landing station of the patrol aircraft is the station of Kudida.

It turned out that the head of the Army Aviation Group was going to let them go to find the lost-edition art troupe. Now it has become Ye Jian. The brain of Xia Jin-Yuan, who is thinking about it, has been running at high speed. He first transferred his position and then transferred the black -20. The Arora Canyon, where the patrol aircraft flew, was drawn on the satellite map as he slenderened his fingers on the keyboard.

After adjustment, the position of the lost team of the cultural and art troupe was locked in less than three minutes, and the soldiers of the Army Group standing behind him were all nervous. …Head, he really did not say anything!

Staring at the position where I locked it, I watched it for a few seconds. The eyes of Xia Jinyuan, who looked up again, were extremely cold. Junmei’s eyes seemed to have frost and snow condensation. It seemed that the whole person’s temperament was cold and the mountain would collapse, which made people feel awed. .

He stood up so that the Lu Hang soldiers could better understand the position he was locked in. Shen Sheng said: “The lost position of the soldiers of the Cultural and Art Corps is the road between Kudida and Mazha Changda?”

Tight to the legs tight, the back of the straight up the soldiers quickly squinted at the notebook and transferred out the satellite map, the line of sight is somewhat afraid to fall to the face of the young face of the sinking water, he can not answer, can not answer, Standing without saying a word, rejecting with silence.

No way, the head told him that he could not reveal too much!

However, even if he did not disclose too much, the young major correctly locked the loss of the cultural team in less than three minutes according to the locations he had just mentioned.

The soldiers all want to cry, the head of the team, what the old people can tell me, in fact, can not say!

One said that the major knew the specific location. Then what does the major want to do next?

Thinking about it, the soldiers of the Lu Hang group suddenly shuddered, and suddenly the whole person was not very good. The slight smile that the major had just thrown at himself reminded him of a possibility!

No way! No way!

It is difficult, he wants to participate in the rescue? ! This… this…, he…he…he is not afraid of being accountable at the time?

The soldiers of the Army Air Corps were a little big and their eyes were full of incredulity.

The big whale has been frowning and brows a little at this time. He bent slightly and whispered: “Q Wang, the head of the Army Air Force still wants us to participate in the search. How do you arrange it here?”

“There is no other arrangement. Our brothers are all on the Black-20 patrol aircraft. They are not likely to stand by their arms because of humanitarianism. I am even more likely to sit and wait.” Xia Jinyuan said calmly, staring The cold map of the triangular map of the satellite map is dull and dark.

Until now, the soldiers have not yet guessed the intention of their head.

The head of the Army Airways does not want Xia Jinjin to be held accountable at that time. Therefore, when he knew that the Black-20 had already flown through the Arosa Canyon, he immediately changed his mind and ordered the crew support on the Black-20.

As a result, the Army soldiers on the Black-20 will not stand by and join the crew to join the soldiers in the search for a cultural team.

(End of this chapter)

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