Reborn at Boot Camp: General, Don’t Mess Around!

v2 Chapter 1778 - Military discipline

Chapter 1778 Military and Military Law

At that time, the art troupe really had an accident, and it was impossible to come to the Army soldiers who were responsible for the accountability. Instead, they would be rewarded for their responsibility.

But in the middle he still needs to consider a link, that is, the captain of the army soldier, he needs to let the captain of the army soldier know that his soldiers are involved in the search, after all, he indirectly borrowed his soldiers to join the search.

This is an accidental accidental search at any time, he must let the team leader know.

After the army soldier captain knows, if he thinks he can stop supporting him, he can stay in the windbreaker and wait for news. If you don’t feel at ease, or if you want to get involved, it’s a voluntary search, and the military will not be held accountable.

The head of the Army Air Force has some ideas in mind, but it is impossible to tell his soldiers in such detail, and it is even more impossible to tell the soldiers who are facing each other with Xia Jinyuan.

Does the captain of his intended army soldier understand that it is up to the individual to understand his ability.

After contacting the Black-24 crew for the second time, he told his soldiers to tell the army chief a few words properly. As for the other, he could not say more.

When Xia Jinyuan and Lu Hang soldiers said that there were army soldiers on the Black-20 patrol aircraft, they secretly guessed the intention of the head of the Army Air Station, so they said that the head of the team was a wonderful person.

When the triangle is drawn, it is more likely to confirm the intention of the head of the Army.

There are some things, some words, not a leader can say, can do, and it is even more impossible to arrange as much as you like. The military regulations are not a pendulum. The military discipline and military law is more than just talking about it. Whoever makes a mistake, no matter what you are What level is still severely punished.

The head of the Army Air Group is just because of such a high awareness, so there will be some calculations.

It is natural that Xia Jinyuan, who understands his intentions, will not go to a soldier who has been told to ask the soldiers. If the position of the soldier’s cultural relics is lost, he will go to the Mazda 藏 藏 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , With the answer.

“Well, I know, you go on.” Jun face ice sinking to the colder than the outside of the snow, Xia Jinyuan said that the Luhang soldiers had retired, knowing that it would be easier, he had to make a detailed arrangement.

The soldiers of the Lu Hang regiment are all quick, major, what do you know? I haven’t said anything, what do you know?

I don’t really want to bring so many army brothers over the mountains to join the search. From them, it’s not a two-hour visit, at least half a day!

Xia Jinyuan didn’t have the time to talk to the soldier who had the word “Chuan” in his eyebrows. He needed to calculate how long it would take them to enter Kudada.

“Black-20 will strive to land as soon as possible, and we don’t have to enter the Tibetan line. We can go forward and search the carpet to see if there are lost artisan soldiers along the way.” Xia Jinyuan is a very good decision maker, he decided not to It will be delayed, but will be immediately launched, and at the same time, make careful arrangements.

Time, weather, and location are not allowed to be considered for too long, he must make a decision as soon as possible.

In Kudida, the Uyghur language means “the snow-capped mountains that even the monkeys can’t climb.” The **** is 27 kilometers long, and the elevation is the lowest of the three Datuns in the Shenxianwan post. It is also the most bitter start.

(End of this chapter)

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