Who is the 1784th chapter?

The seven female soldiers said and said, they were angry and they were finally said to “wow” and crying. What use is angry at this time? Nothing is used, and life must be put in.

“Oh, I hate her, hate her. I have been pleased with my annual leave, I have to go home with my parents this year, and the result… The result is that she came to me and told me to come with her. I hate her, I hate her. She came to find someone, why pull us to accompany her to death! I hate her, I hate her!”

Come over and find someone? Who are you looking for? What exactly does that mean?

“Fu Hui! What do you say! You say it again!” A female soldier suddenly asked sharply, her tears were not erased, and her eyes stared at the comrades who were about to faint. “You say it again!”

The named female soldier realized that she had lost her words. She was scared and suddenly she was suddenly shocked. She was scared to take a nap. It was her most crying. She shrank her shoulders and shrank into the corner. Cried.

The woman’s mind was sharp, and then a female soldier reacted and was shocked and angry: “Fu Hui, you better tell us clearly!”

The last second was also with the enemy. In this second, everyone’s attention was transferred to Fu Hui. They all realized that they had some problems in this venture to enter the high-altitude post in the northwest of Xinjiang.

A female soldier who speaks Sven, but has a strong logic, keeps her eye on Fu Hui. The words are clearly and firmly asked: “Who are you looking for? We received an order to come and greet the officers and men of the post and celebrate the Spring Festival with them. Fu Hui What do you know about it? Now we estimate that we have to give our lives here. What is not what we know, you have to talk to us one by one, so that we can make a few ghosts.”

Because the female soldier named Fu Hui suddenly came to somehow, let the other six female soldiers feel deeply that they were deceived.

For the condolences of the officers and soldiers, they are willing!

Serving the grassroots officers and soldiers, they used their full artistic enthusiasm to infect the officers and men who were far away from the horizon, bringing a laugh to their monotonous and boring stationed, even if they were bumpy all the way.

Do not think that the literary and art soldiers can not do anything, all the flowers in the greenhouse, the literary and art soldiers are also soldiers, also have the blood of military personnel. They can use the bright military songs to inspire the morale and heroism of the officers and men, and effectively inspire the heroes and soldiers to strengthen their military dreams and provoke their fighting pride.

Although they are not officers and men who fought on the front line, they can also have dreams as a literary and art soldier. They are very willing to go to the hardship areas to send songs and dances to the grassroots officers and men, bringing laughter.

But they absolutely can’t accept someone’s precious time to sacrifice everyone’s private life!

Facing the question of his comrades, Fu Hui only whispered and whispered. As the arm on her shoulder pulled away, Fu Hui, who wanted to be silent, was a little panicked. She clenched her lower lip and asked softly, “Are we not? Will it sacrifice?”

“Oh, sacrifice? If it is just for a person’s private, what sacrifice do we have? Know what is sacrifice? Know what the definition of sacrifice is?” The sharp female soldier is also the first to discover Fu Hui’s female soldier who had problems, she was so cold that she was so excited that she had to breathe oxygen while talking.

(End of this chapter)

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