Reborn at Boot Camp: General, Don’t Mess Around!

v2 Chapter 1785 - Heart is unwilling

Chapter 1785 is unwilling

A female soldier sitting next to her gently followed her back and reopened the opening of the Sri Lankan language. “Liu Yuan, don’t be too excited, have something to say. I believe that Fu Hui will give us a confession. We are already sleepy six. Many hours, no one came to save us. It is estimated that in a few hours we will almost hang up. Before we hang, let’s talk, don’t be excited.”

“Fu Hui, let’s talk about it clearly. Everyone is a comrade in a department. It has been a year and a year. Since we all hang, you might as well give us a happy, how?” The last sentence of the female soldier who spoke Said very desperate, so that Fu Hui slammed a chill.

Although the female soldier spoke in a very sinister language, she could literally hear it. This is not an undisciplined female soldier.

Fu Hui was yelled at by your comrades, and I forced my face to be pale and pale. Although she couldn’t see the expression of the comrades who were close at hand, she could feel that their eyes were full of anger, and the Lord was not here. They turned the anger to her, and she screamed at the teeth and finally opened her mouth. “I said, I said…”

Let’s just say it, anyway, there is no chance to say it anyway!

Fu Hui, who is already desperate in her heart, said all the things she knew, but she didn’t know much. It was not enough for five sentences to be clear.

Although only a few words, it is enough for the other six female soldiers to hate the back of the alveolar bite “giggle”.

The art troupe took a total of two vehicles. The seven female soldiers were accompanied by two soldiers from the 30-mile camp and two young men from the non-corporate group.

Two female soldiers and two male soldiers accompanied the leader in another car.

What happened was that there was a car in which the leader was sitting. Before the snowfall collapsed, the driver found an abnormality. He reacted extremely quickly. In the crisis, he quickly slammed the steering wheel toward the inside of the Tibetan line, thinking that he would directly rush into the embraced road to escape.

The speed of the heavy snow can be rushed too fast, and the driver has made the most correct rescue method, and the entire carriage is washed out of the cliff by heavy snow.

Nowadays, the car is suspended, and it is supported by the front of the car that is kept on the line by the brakes.

No one knows how long the front of the car can support, and it doesn’t know if there will be an avalanche.

“Set the tight point, put a block of stone behind the front wheel and resist.” The veteran of the 30-mile barracks said very calmly, optimistic about a man who was tall and straight, and his eyebrows were extremely elegant: “Nothing, just take the car.” The people in the rescue can save us from the goods in the car for at least four days!”

“Mazza Station will definitely find a way to save us. It is estimated that the avalanche is large and the Tibetan lines are blocked. They need a little time to find us. So don’t be afraid, we will not have anything.”

The avalanche is very common for veterans who have been in the northwest of the country for nearly a decade, and the snow that rushed out this time is not too big, and the entire car was not directly rushed under the cliff.

The goods are on the car, there are coats, food, and fruit… as long as there is such a way to go down. If it is smooth, you can wait until the rescue at the latest.

Together with the two soldiers, the men who tied the two front wheels with ropes stood up and smiled slightly toward the veterans who comforted themselves. “There was a fear before, and now it is much calmer. Come back to eat, have warmth. Then rescue everyone in the car and wait for the rescue.”

(End of this chapter)

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