Chapter 1786 is afraid

Before he set off, he was ready to encounter an avalanche. Although he was prepared, he could still avoid fear. This is a normal reaction of a normal person to danger. He said it directly and did not think It’s a shame.

“Hey, when the reporter’s comprehension ability is high. Qin reporter, waiting for you to return to Beijing, this is a good manuscript.” The soldiers who work together also smiled optimistically, he looked at the news from the Ministry of Information. There is a Qin reporter who can’t tell the temperament, and then he looks at his hands that are reddened by the ropes. The soldiers are somewhat unbearable.

This is a pen stick, and the result is almost confessed, but he can’t see a little fear on him… Hey, he believes that he is really in the Tibetan line four times and four times.

Only those who have passed the Tibetan line several times have this guts!

Qin Xiu, who is temporarily a reporter, looks actually one year younger than himself. But he looks like he is five or six years older than himself. He took the rope in the hand of the soldier and smiled: “I Now tied to the back of the car, you take a break.”

He walked four times back to the territory, and this time he encountered an avalanche for the first time. Because of this, he was able to see the extraordinary skills of this group of motormen who walked in the “life-forbidden zone”.

Sitting in the back car, if he is not responding quickly, he will rush back and hug the road before the big avalanche. The rear car he rides is afraid that he will not be lucky before the car, and it is likely to be directly rushed to the cliff by heavy snow. It is.

The two men tightened the rope again, confirming that they had tied the two front wheels together, and together they took two stones washed down by the snow and placed them behind the front tires. How much did Qin Xiu step on? It can play a stone that prevents the front tire from going down. This only pulls up the rope and climbs hard. I don’t know how many years it has been piled up. This time, the snow that rushed down.

Can not walk, Qin Xiu, who can only walk in the way of climbing, spent nearly 20 minutes, only carefully climbed over the snow pile that slipped directly to the cliff without paying attention, and climbed back to the vehicle where he was riding.

Going to the quiet behind the strange carriage, the female soldier inside said: “You are all down for a while, and the car can’t stay for a while.”

In order to prevent the vehicle from falling again, the veteran suggested that the front tire be tied with a rope and then tied to the hook of the car without any accident, so that the front of the front car has a focus.

The angry female soldiers in the car did not quarrel again, but they were sitting quietly in the anger of the heart, and the men who had told them not to move before they returned to the back of the compartment to talk, the eyes were lifted slightly. Look at me in the dark, I look at you, no one moves.

In the past two minutes, there was still no movement in the compartment. Qin Xiu, who was suddenly sinking in his heart, directly picked up the heavy windscreen. Then he saw that the seven female soldiers who were scared before the wow were sitting in the innermost part, and they heard the movement and brushed. Look at yourself.

People are there, no chaos.

Qin Xiu’s eyes, which were relieved in his heart, swept over and said, “Get out of the car and rescue the comrades in the car in the past.”

“There is nothing to save, anyway, it’s the same, save some effort to keep the last words.” The female soldier named Liu Yuan took an anger and the language was extremely mean. “You also save some effort. Don’t write any news articles, they are all accompanied by the daughter of the big official to find someone, and they are all here to save what they can’t save.”

(End of this chapter)

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