Reborn at Boot Camp: General, Don’t Mess Around!

v2 Chapter 1787 - Don't let your military uniform

Chapter 1787, don’t let your military uniform

The harsh and indifferent voice made Qin Xiu frown. Who they are aiming at, he doesn’t care, he just wants to save people now.

“Get off the bus, don’t let me say it again.” Qin Xiu never likes too much nonsense, and does not like to have one thing to let him repeat again and again, though it is a group of women. The soldiers will not let him change the principle of doing things.

The voice of the man is very cold. It is completely different from the gentleman who usually chats with them. Seven female literary female soldiers bit their teeth and bend out and bend out.

It was all snow outside, and it looked like a shadow. Looking at the seven female soldiers who were scared and afraid, Qin Xiu’s gaze swept through them. “Now, when you are not a small temper, listen to your grievances. I believe that no one of you wants to really tell your life.”

“Now only our car people are safe and sound. The situation in front of the car is dangerous. There are your comrades-in-arms, leaders, and soldiers who accompany you. No matter which one you are working with now, you are a soldier. Didn’t you put the stereotypes aside and get through the storm together?”

“Although you are all literary and art soldiers, you have the courage to choose to go to the post to greet the grassroots officers and soldiers at this time. You can see that you are a group of **** female soldiers. Since you always remember that you are a soldier, I believe that you must Remember the responsibility that a soldier should take.”

No blame, no criticism, only gentle and persuasion, let the seven female soldiers look loose on their faces.

“The reason is said to be exhausted. We have to cooperate with it.”

“It’s the news department, the eloquence is really amazing!”

“There is no reason, some people have hurt us, and we have to come to save our people.”

Qin Xiu listened to the soft voices of the female soldiers, and only heard the ears. He said nothing more than anything else.

He dropped his gaze on one of the female soldiers named “Wei Jiayue”. After the incident, he jumped from the car and asked about the female soldier. It was Wei Jiayue who stood up and answered himself.

Although she was scared to trembling at the time, she could still maintain a certain calm and communicate with herself. This shows that this is a master and a big sister in this group of female soldiers.

Wei Jiayue is a female soldier who speaks sin and can see the words on the nail. She received a step from Qin Xiu’s line of sight. “Let’s do it? You can talk straight.”

“Take a shovel to shovel the snow on our car. The more the better, you need to take a tight shot and increase the weight of the car. Then two more daring female soldiers will go with me to the front car. You are light and need you to climb to the front car. Help your comrades climb out.”

“So far, only the driver has been awake in the front car, and the rest have not responded.”

This is really not a good news. Although they just cursed the guy who almost lost his face, I really heard that all the comrades in the car had not moved yet, and my heart was suddenly tightened.

Six hours have elapsed since the avalanche. It took nearly five hours to find the position of the front car. Now it has passed another hour. No one is rescued in the front car. No… It won’t happen.

No one cares about himself and is calculated. According to Qin Xiu’s instructions, they do not want to put their lives here. Since no one has come to the rescue, they can only save themselves!

(End of this chapter)

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