Reborn at Boot Camp: General, Don’t Mess Around!

v2 Chapter 1788 - You are a soldier

Chapter 1788, you are a soldier.

The female soldiers Liu Yuan and Wei Jiayue who came out actively took the opportunity to go to the car with Qin Xiu.

As a result of the persuasion, the female soldiers did not affect the entire teamwork with the negative emotions caused by personal grievances.

“The snow shovel is in the car. When you shovel the snow, leave one person to stand guard and keep an eye on the surrounding situation. Especially on the top of the mountain, once you find a piece of snow, you will immediately run into the road.”

Qin Xiu, who walked through the four-line line, did not completely rest the five other female soldiers here. She was very careful to avoid another accident. “The goods on the car were first moved down and surrounded by the road, in case of another avalanche. You hide inside and eat and wear, you can come to the rescuers.”

He did not say some good words of consolation to make the female soldiers no longer afraid, but told them very responsibly that as long as they stayed here, the danger will always exist, so that they have a preparation mentality, and they are more vigilant. The danger that occurs.

The female soldiers were stunned by his words, and there was a faint fear in their eyes.

“Well, sisters, let’s work. Don’t be someone else, we have to face up for ourselves to live! Hao Zhen, Wu Ziwei, Fu Hui, Ning Anwen, Li Fei, you five take turns, who Whoever shovel the snow is out of the whistle, to ensure that the four people shoveling snow, a whistle.” Wei Jiayue calmly arranged, she is the longest military, this time she has to take the lead.

There is a female soldier who can take the lead to make it possible for Qin Xiu’s arrangement to start faster, helping them to carry two bags of goods from the car and moving to a safe place. Qin Xiu took Liu Yuan and Wei Jiayue to leave.

“Liu Yuan, will they be in danger? The whole road will be interrupted by snow. If you want to go to the front car, you have to climb over the accumulated snow.” The youngest soldier, Fu Hui, the first standing guard Looking back to the head, I went to the figure of a snow-covered pile like a mountain, and my face was faint.

The female soldiers who took out a few folding engineering shovel from the toolbox couldn’t help but look up at the front…. Who knows if there is danger?

“It’s no wonder that the male soldiers in our car got off the train with Qin reporter for a few hours. It turned out that they had climbed through the snow piles to find the front car. Liu Yuan and Wei Jiayue are both courageous, and Qin reporters should take care of them. “”

“Become, say a few nonsense, take time to work! Qin reporter just tied the two ropes to the rear tires of our car, it is estimated that the front car is quite close to us, or the rope can not be dragged. ”

The first three figures began to climb the snow, and the five female soldiers who were blown by the wind in the snowy mountains to the hands and feet were no longer standing. They took the engineering shovel and began to shove the snow and threw them on the car.

Plateau lack of oxygen, they can not work too fast, too fast heart rate is more prone to altitude sickness.

No one wants to have an accident at this time, they have to have a rhythm to shovel the snow.

In front of Qin Xiu first climbed a snow-like pile of hills, and when he came out of the car to find the front car, the first time he walked through the snow pile, he was scared out of a cold sweat.

The snow piled up into a mountain and it was exceptionally steep. He climbed less than two meters with the veterans in front of him. He glanced at the snow in a small arc and was scared by the cliffs below. After coming down, even the knees were faint and soft, and the veteran helped the little ones to slow down.

(End of this chapter)

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