Reborn at Boot Camp: General, Don’t Mess Around!

v2 Chapter 1811 - Pride and Prejudice

Chapter 1811 Pride and Prejudice

Du Jiayi is a heavy-shouldered person, especially in the face of his own leadership, talking can be more dripping, listening to words, eyes converge, and the humility of a face is taught: “You are saying, we really lack guts Although we are a literary and art soldier and a soldier, the blood and courage of the military must not be lacking.”

It was awesome. She even gave her a soft nail. In a few words, the instructor reversed her impression. Du Jiayi kept her smile and stared at Ye Jian, and looked at it even more.

There are good eyes, black and black is very clear, oh, so female soldiers are used to pretend to be innocent.

It’s a pity that there is no way to see what looks like with a cold mask.

It doesn’t matter. I know that her name will be made. When I go back to Jingli, I know that her Du Jiayi wants to know the details of a person. It has always been easy.

Originally, I still want to make her feel bad now. The instructor can clearly appreciate her. She can only temporarily hold her breath, and it will not be too late.

She had seen her most embarrassing side, and she had doubts about her. She also gave her a soft nail. Oh, she likes to pick up the female soldiers who are born with anti-bone.

Without worry, she will pack up and she will not know who she is offended.

Du Jiayi, who is obviously active in psychological activities, said with a smile, he has been watching Ye Jian, not with polite gaze, but with arrogance and prejudice in his eyes.

Ye Jane was indifferent, smiled at her, and her eyes turned to the high instructor who was talking.

“That’s right, no matter what kind of arms, as long as you wear this military uniform, you are a soldier. You can’t lose the soldier’s face and the image of the soldier.” The high instructor was very satisfied with Du Jiayi’s answer and glanced at her with a glance. A few words about Liu Yuanxi, “What can we solve as much as we can, and don’t bother the army.”

A male soldier from a cultural corps came over. There may be something to say to the high instructor. He said hello to Du Jiayi, and smiled at Ye Jani slightly, saying “interrupted” and helped the high instructor.

Liu Yuan answered the high instructor with a positive look. “Understand, you can rest assured that you will not trouble the army!”

“You have been working, I have always been relieved.” The high-education was finished by the male soldiers.

Together, Liu Yuan immediately politely said to Ye Jian: “Let’s have a rest with us. The male soldiers shoveled the snow and labored. We picked up the handles in the middle and shoveled the snow together. Can you see it?”

Du Jiayi, who did not leave, seemed to hear a joke, grinning. “As long as the male soldiers are not afraid of adding chaos, if there is a need to open the mouth, we will not lose the female soldier’s face. They have to let them see the female soldiers. Nor is it vegetarian!”

Eyes flow to Liu Yuan, like a smile and laughter: “Liu Yuan, you can’t be like the last time, the life has not begun to work, people will faint. We can not lose the face of the cultural team, let the army The soldiers saw that the female soldiers of the cultural and art troupe could not only sing a song, but also dance. The female soldiers of the literary and art troupe, as long as we need us, we can beautifully complete the tasks assigned by our superiors.”

“Ye Jian, trouble you to take care of my comrades, if you have any questions, please come over to me at any time. If you feel unwell, be sure to respond to us in time, can’t hold back for the face, know.”

(End of this chapter)

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