Chapter 1812 is amazing, my simple

It’s not enough to save someone from being thankful. She is not saying “thank you” to save people, but to save people as a military officer’s duty. The problem is that the saved person does not say thank you, but at the beginning it is inexplicable to start the scorpion!

Ye Jian is not a soft-hearted person. He is not so generous to forgive the Du Jiayi who gave himself a yin. He heard the words and sounds directly cooled down, and there is a strong color: “This female soldier should not be smart.” It may always say something that is misunderstood by others.”

Just to say a word, Liu Yuan’s eyes flashed out, and Du Jiayi sank.

They all opened their mouths, and Ye Jian wouldn’t take it back to his mouth. His eyes were cold and staring at the dull and dull Du Jiayi. He screamed coldly and chilledly. “I can understand you, you. I will say that I am strong for the face, I will save people after a while, and finally let my comrades around me busy, … these words are all you deliberately, in order to tell everyone, I actually With such a bit of skill, everything is strong for performance?”

Du Jiayi is a slightly sullen face!

No one dared to slap her face so directly, and no one dared to blame her so boldly! No one has ever been in the leadership, to count her down!


She wants to stop Ye Jian from going on, but how can Ye Jian give her a chance? “I won’t explain anything to you. You are a smart female soldier. Any one of the words should be Ding Ding. That’s right. As a soldier, you should have something to say, not to say something that is not an old account, or something that has something to say.”

“Don’t tell me that I understood it wrong, misunderstood you. Just what you said to the high instructor, I think if I didn’t explain it later, the high instructor might have misunderstood me. I am giving it now. Your face is gone, the instructor of the contours has gone and said, I hope to cherish the face that others have given you!”

Liu Yuan, who was shocked and stunned, laughed a little because of a sentence.

…very powerful, powerful, … amazing!

She said that Du Jiayi, who has always maintained a good image in front of the leadership, has changed her face so that she can’t get off the stage.

Ye Jian is not a strong temper. She always knows when she can go back and forth, and knows what kind of way to treat what kind of person.

It’s quite tiring to get along with people like Du Jiayi. Whenever she can only play the main character, the rest can only be a supporting role, or a supporting role to see her face.

Once anyone dares to cross her, oh, as long as the person is in the wrong hand, she will be taken out again and again.

It was early to see that Ye Jian, who was the same, did not intend to participate. This was a matter of the cultural corps. Even the instructors did not say anything. Her soldiers of a marine unit only had to watch it quietly.

But she shouldn’t stop, she shouldn’t stand up and step on her leaf, and deliberately destroy her image.

She is a soldier. The military must maintain his image at all times. It must not be vandalized and lost its reputation!

The first time she took a small step back, she told her clearly that she should not be insatiable. She told her to use silence to let her misunderstand her Ye Jian is a good bully.

So, don’t mind not giving her face warnings! Let her converge on the wrong heart!

(End of this chapter)

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