Chapter 1819 Dangerous Guy

Du Jiayi is not a woman who has to retreat when she is difficult. She always knows what she wants and knows what she should do to get what she wants.

Undoubtedly, such people will not be eliminated by the society, and will always go hand in hand with the times, and will never be the bottom.

Then the horrible thing about Du Jiayi is that once she finds out what she wants to get, there are people and things that stop her. Her destructive power is not something that ordinary people can imagine.

Therefore, such a person is the most dangerous person, because you never know what will happen to her next second, will it be shot to the friends around me, will suddenly one day turn face ruthless.

She knows what she wants, knows how to get it, and has the ability to drive things, so she must stay awake with her, and be careful to avoid her minefield, lest one day will be hit. There is no bone in the bones.

Since such a person has come for a purpose, can she easily withdraw? In addition, at this time, they are already out of danger. If they continue to move forward, they will let the leaders deepen their impressions. Smart, like Du Jiayi, will choose a favorable path for herself.

Apparently, the instructor was also moved by her, and when she looked around, her eyes fell slightly on Qin Xiu, who spoke to Ye Jian, whispering: “You said it makes sense, and there are two reporters from the Ministry of Information. “”

“Especially the reporter named Qin, although not very fond of talking, did not move around, but at that time there were several officers accompanying him to join us, showing that the Qin reporter is a bit of a position in the Department of Public Information.”

“Your brother, please come to me and give you a palm. Since you are not afraid of yourself, go ahead. The merits of the literary and art soldiers are not good, but now that there is an opportunity, it is no problem to fight for it.”

The high instructor and the Du family met, and the relationship with Du Jiayi’s brother is better. With such a relationship, Du Jiayi’s life in the group is always much better than others.

After talking low, the high instructor frowned slightly, and the voice was lighter and lower than before. “The person you are looking for only knows that he is serving in the territory, but it may not be the current territory. I want to find it. I am afraid that it is a little difficult.”

I don’t know who she is looking for, her brother didn’t tell her, and she was not afraid to ask too clearly.

“Let you worry, this person is really not very good to find. But I am also trusted by people, loyal people, and can not find much relationship, I am only responsible for finding, not responsible for finding.”

Du Jiayi said in disapproval, Xiao Ayi is a person of personality, this time letting her find her son by the way, and it is estimated that she will forget what she asked.

But since I have to accept it myself, I have to work harder and can’t be sloppy.

Besides, Xia Jia and her Du family have always said that they can’t even talk about it. Xiao Aunt asked her to come and find her son. It is really not a good candidate.

She was separated from Xia Jinyuan for the last time in ten years. Who knows if he still knows himself?

However, if he saw him, he would know. When he didn’t know how many times he was bullied, every time a group of people gathered, he would never give himself a face to this girl. He always bullied himself with the Korean family.

Young is being bullied too tightly, so that I still remember the new worry. I always want to ask him to recover the face that he lost in the past. Since Xiao Ayi asked her to find it, she would find it.

The high instructor will not say much when she sees this. She has always been a person with an idea. It doesn’t matter if she does not blame.

(End of this chapter)

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