Reborn at Boot Camp: General, Don’t Mess Around!

v2 Chapter 1820 - The skin is owing

Chapter 1820, the skin is under pumping.

In the middle of the night, the temperature was even lower. After J5 and the eagles, several of them shoveled the snow for three hours. Ye Jian, who was asleep, directly shouted back to the tent, and warned them all the way to fight again. Frozen waste.

The male soldiers were criticized and not angry, but they were very happy. Although there is nothing to do for a long time, every winter training is pulled here to train in the middle of the night and suddenly wake up and then carry heavy loads.

Three hours really can’t count anything. After that, they divided the three people in a total of three times. The time was divided according to the situation. The snowy squadron was three hours, and the soldiers were two hours, because once the road was passed, the Tibetans had to drive. .

The two male soldiers of the Cultural and Art Corps and the two reporters of the Department of Public Information are one-off. They only need one hour.

The Tibetan soldiers were not laughed at by Lang Lang, and they were quite short.

It is good to have female soldiers in the team. I know how to protect my comrades.

When the tent went to J5, J5 was joking. “It’s awful. After that, Q King has a good time. He can hope that we can talk less and work more. Shovel snow is a thing that increases lung movement. He I like to let us work while training.”

Ye Jian said: “That is not the same, it is the training that must be completed in the team, but this can be completely divided and cooperated, so that the physical energy consumed by each other can be restored. I don’t think because we are a land soldier. It’s all inclusive, and it’s better to work together.”

“Cheng, listen to you. Now let’s rest, you can go back to the tent to rest.” J5 readily agreed, and hehe, “Do not call our code name, we don’t know your name, there is something going straight to say. ”

“Your code name can’t be said. Our report only has code names and no names. Remember, you can’t leak each other’s code.” So, when he reminded him, he called Ye Jian’s name.

There is leaf information in the military system, but the information is equal to no, even if someone knows the surname, it can not find anything.

The code of all the members of the Snow Group is much more important than the name!

The tent also had the leadership of the aid construction commander and the high-instructed instructor. It was easy and inconvenient to go in with the leaves, and they left in the low voices of the comrades.

Take two steps and say: “I look at you into the tent.”

The comrades-in-arms were all embarrassed, and the laughter was a lot bigger afterwards. The nephew came up with a sentence, “I suddenly have a sense of happiness that is killed by my girlfriend!”

The words of a comrade-in-arms laughter suddenly stopped, and the bright eyes of the gods all brushed their eyes on the blind, he did not say okay, one said… Hey! Really have this feeling!

The J5 slap in the corner of his mouth patted the back of the head of the scorpion, and smiled like a smile: “The tiger hunts the food, the boy, you are very courageous! Properly looking for a dead end.”

Whose girlfriend is Ye Jian? Or who is the girlfriend of Ye Jian?

Oh, nature is the king of Q!

Dare to open the Q Wang early girlfriend in the words of this kind of words, … really is the skin is not pumping!

The blind man knows, and continues: “I am always courageous, not to say that a lady, a gentleman is good,” I can’t say? Which tiger is so overbearing? I am going to the meeting! ”

“Ye Jian, you are going back to the tent to rest. The reason why we don’t let the blind man talk is because he sometimes doesn’t talk very much, and he is easy to offend. He just fart, don’t go to the heart.” The blind man who is not afraid of death is nervous to go to the tent, and he does not want to be cleaned up by the King of Q!

Today is a little busy, I need to do something. The bank and the government don’t know how many times they ran. There are still four thousand updates later. Two thousand are 12 before, and two thousand are after 12 o’clock.

(End of this chapter)

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