Chapter 1824 jealous

Did not give Du Jiayi a quiet opportunity to speculate, the high instructor asked her to take the lead to put away the tents of the female soldiers, and the soldiers at the Mazha station picked up the iced engineering shovel and began to hinder the Kudanda. Shovel the snow to Mazda.

The snow shovel is the smaller the shovel, and gradually can hear the shovel of each other. The G3 throws a piece of snow that has iced on the bottom layer, and whispers to Xia Jinyuan: “The opposite side shovel snow is louder, there are eighty-nine We can withdraw from the military station.”

They don’t show up for secret training, but they can get through the whole line at most.

Han Wei said lightly: “If I don’t remember correctly, we all belong to the military servicemen in Xinjiang. If we really want to be seen, we will only think that we are doing winter training.”

A group of countries hide the strength of the sharp knife special forces training, the military will do a very careful arrangement, will also put the possible problems one by one, so that other soldiers even know that this is just a special area of ​​the military region for winter training.

G3 did not agree. They also patrolled the secretly built satellite base with the soldiers of the Mazha station, or they were cautious.

“Withdrawal.” Xia Jinyuan agrees with G3’s speech, and indeed it can be withdrawn.

Before he had a Du Jiayi, he was worried.

It’s been a few hours now, and what’s going to happen is long overdue. He’s going to face up with this hypocritical woman who hasn’t met for almost ten years, and it’s more troublesome with her careful eyes.

Wait until the little fox meets and ask alone.

Han Hao had some pity, silently said in his heart: “I still want to meet Du Jiayi. By the way, I will talk about the things between us in the past. I want to see her obviously angry, but she has to wear a generous expression. ”

“Oh, I really miss it…”

Silently recited, he did not escape the eyes of Xia Jinjin. Looking back, the cold sight glanced at him, and Han Han directly stood up and made a “shut up” movement.

Ye Jian saw that Xia Jinyuan was at 4:17 in the morning, blocking the snowdrifts of sight, and the searchlights of each other directly illuminate. The two men’s sights met for the first time, and they saw each other for the first time.

The soldiers at the Mazha Bing station, the Kudi Bing station, and the 30-mile barracks took the lead. Then, the support and command leaders came forward… Ye Jian moved to Xia Jinyuan, quietly standing and watching the J5 long-sleeved dance, eloquent.

Received the gesture of Xia Jinyuan, J5 acts as the leader, and does not act as a guide. He is the instructor of the Snowy Brigade.

“Du Jiayi is a tough one, no loss?” Don’t ask, Xia Shaoshu asked this sentence.

Ye Jianpin made some flavors and raised his eyebrows lightly. “Old acquaintance?”


The tone of these three words is a bit problematic and seems to have something else.

Sensitively, the summer major looked at her and looked at her. It took a few seconds to react. It’s no wonder that it sounds a bit strange. It turned out to be sour.

Jun Jun has a smile. “It’s an old acquaintance. About ten years ago, I was still squandering when I was a prince, a hypocritical beauty snake. I had a very deep relationship with her.”

“How can I be satisfied with this answer?”

Cough…, satisfied.

Ye Jian is somewhat uncomfortable, and his own vinegar tastes a little bit more. The old acquaintances are also divided into several types. The tone of the summer team is just a cold, and it has not been heard!

Good night……

(End of this chapter)

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