Reborn at Boot Camp: General, Don’t Mess Around!

v2 Chapter 1825 - Special forces on sharp knives

Chapter 1825 Commando on the Pointed Knife

With Xia Jinyuan said a few words, Ye simple found a full of exploration of the sights if nothing falls.

I don’t want to look at the past in a shallow way. I can see who it is. In my mouth, I said to Xia Jinyuan: “There is no loss, but it’s just being stared. It’s not a word, I’m more than one sentence. ”

“If you don’t lose money, it doesn’t matter if you are stared.” After listening to no loss, Xia Jinyuan had a lot of smiles in his eyes. He said with relief: “I can’t lose money in her hands. I will be relieved in the future.”

Although Du Jiayi was not seen for more than a decade, at that time, the woman had some ability to reverse black and white, and the extreme education in Dujia would only be more intensified.

Xia Jinyuan is not worried that he will be recognized. The comrades of the Snowy Brigade, except for the long eagle and the scorpion, are the main scouts, and their height is slightly shorter. The rest of the players are almost one meter eight or more. Once worn, the winter clothes are tightly wrapped, and then wearing a cold mask, Du Jiayi can recognize himself.

He did not recognize who Du Jiayi was from the pile of female soldiers.

But it really makes him somewhat helpless. How is the partiality of Du Jiayi trapped? It’s hard to do too much bad things, and it’s unlucky to go to a place where there is no shelter for Du’s family.

She was unlucky, and let the little foxes rescue them. The bad guys are all long-lived.

Du Jiayi’s eyes only fell on Ye Jian. When she saw her standing among a group of tall and tall army soldiers, she became even more slender, as if she was protected by male soldiers, and she was favored.

Losing her before, she saw the Qin reporter who had the temperament of “there is a poetry and self-satisfaction”, and she also knew that the female soldier was a bit of a head.

Looking at it now, it is still the first impression of his own right. It is just a bit of a skill, and it can be an ordinary female soldier who is bent on climbing up and down.

If a person like her enters Beijing or the military region, I want to be in a position to compete. Oh, I am always back to the original shape!

So thinking about it, Du Jiayi’s heart was shy away from Qin’s jealousy and looked at it, and even the chin was slightly lifted.

When Ye Jian looked over, he just saw Du Jiayi, who was slightly lifted and arrogant.

She did not wait for the other party to notice and then retracted her sight. She stood side by side with Xia Jinjin and waited for J5 to talk to the stationmaster of the station and whispered with G3.

In an informal setting, you can talk on your own in private.

G3 looked at the female soldier who was almost half his head shorter than herself. She always smiled a little bit in the sound of the sand. “The courage is commendable and the guts are big enough.”

He can look at the car that has not been towed up. The whole car is supported by the front of the car. Although it is prepared, the danger inside is too great. If you are prepared, there will be a possibility that the car will fall off the cliff.

Ye Jian climbed down like this, and he was able to save everyone who was trapped inside. Only enough guts were not enough, and he was calm enough.

She, the requirements for entering the snowy brigade can be getting closer and closer, and more and more standards are met.

Xia Jinyuan listened to the chat between his comrades and Ye Jian. The smile in the dull eyes was always deep. He worried about her and cheered her more.

As a special soldier walking on a sharp knife, every time he performs a task, he dances with the **** of death. The courage, courage, perseverance, perseverance, calmness, etc., etc. can not be less, so that they can defeat the **** of death and return to the glory. .

(End of this chapter)

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