Reborn at Boot Camp: General, Don’t Mess Around!

v2 Chapter 1829 - Some people are the most dangerous

Chapter 1829 is the most dangerous person

The smile on the corner of Ye Jian’s mouth is a little deeper. She believes that he is only true because he is involved in “business”.

“We are not afraid of big winds and waves. There are no tasks for life and death. These are all we have to face. I will not come out because this is something you must face as a special soldier.”

Xia Jinyuan is Xia Jinjin in the end, but a few words make the smile on Ye Jian’s face gradually converge, and then listen carefully to what he said.

“You are the soldier brought out by Chen Shu and the roots of the roots. They brought you out. I only hope that you can go further and stand higher on the road of the military, and I will take you harder. More dangerous, every place is a thorny road, the little fox your life is my life, I am very cherished, can not bear you a trace of danger.”

“The more I do, the more I want to let go, the more I want to be worried. As long as it is not a break, I am just your superior, not your boyfriend. I don’t want to hurt you, I just want to go to complete personal life with you for a long time.”

Love does not need love to love, you can not do without me, I can not do without you, I love you, you love me, you are the wind, I am sand… and so on, but turn around and forget, no Passion through the storm.

Love can also be like Xia Jinyuan’s love words, full of blood, enthusiasm, ferocity, and then this is the surface. Once you peel off this surface, what you see is that he only wants to have you in his life, and through the storms, he can live together from the flames of war.

Can withstand the smoke of the smoke, won the bullets and rain, and then use the blood to quench the party is love than Jin Jian, no regrets in life.

Ye Jane is a female soldier who does not like to hear too much sensational confession. She has seen too many hypocrisy in her life, but she prefers to be real. Therefore, Xia Jinyuan’s words can always touch her inadvertently.

The summer major, who still had a little thought about it, saw her look solemn, and it became more and more positive. “We need to meet many people of all kinds in this life. Let’s talk about the villain today.”

“I worry about you, there is a kind of the most dangerous villain. There must be care for the villain. Otherwise, you will become a stepping stone for the villain. Especially like Du Jiayi, this kind of kindness, surface and qi, Be generous and kind, but behind the villains who are not stunned, even more careful!”

“I know her very early. I used to be very mixed. I don’t have a few people who dare to offend me. There are more and more brothers who don’t want to study a little family. One of my brother’s sisters is a friend of Du Jiayi. Sometimes I often bring it out to play…”

Xia Jinyuan said that there was a past about Du Jiayi who had framed her a good friend. As for the cause, it was just a big voice and said that the dress she wore tonight was not very good-looking.

When I got to the exam for my friend’s overseas exam, I clearly lost the admission ticket, but I accidentally lost it. I didn’t find it until the exam.

As a good friend, Du Jiayi can be anxious. She is still looking for an admission ticket for her friends a few minutes before the exam.

“Du Jiayi also needs to take this test. In the different examination rooms, she is still worried about comforting her friends a few minutes before the exam. She said that she can find a solution together, and I have made several phone calls to see if there are any ways to solve it. Everyone thinks that there is Du Jiayi. Friends, worth it!”

When Xia Jinyuan said this, his eyes were cold and convergent. “I also believe that this little girl is quite loyal. She told her brothers that such a girl is more powerful than a boy and worth paying.”

(End of this chapter)

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