Reborn at Boot Camp: General, Don’t Mess Around!

v2 Chapter 1830 - Definitely protect you

Chapter 1830 definitely protects you

The result is that the result of the pass test was actually picked up by Du Jiayi, the reason is actually because his brother’s sister said that her skirt is not good.

This matter, or Han Yu has no intention to hear, or else no one can believe that because of a “skirt is not good-looking”, let his good friends miss the exam!

What is even more frightening is that she was quite anxious for her friends at the time, and his brothers still wanted to engage in relationships, and did not care about Du Jiayi’s presence in the field.

Du Jiayi, who was anxious in front of him, took the first step and broke his friend’s back. He directly found the examiner’s chief officer who said that the applicant’s admission ticket was lost, and he was looking for a relationship without a certificate.

“Time and time again help you, once again break your back, until you no longer have the power to fight back, she will take over and quickly kick you off.”

“This kind of small talent is the most terrible villain. It has the ability, ability, and ability to stay calm. It can be put to death in a quiet voice. Du Jiayi in the age of ten is so terrible. Du Jiayi after ten years. That would be even worse.”

Ye Jian really heard the stunned, but because her friend said in a face of other people that her skirt is not good-looking, she always kept it in her heart, and she broke the original future of her, and she was only ten years old.

The two sit side by side, the light in the compartment is dark, although Xia Jinyuan can’t see the look of Ye Jian’s face, but I think it is quite surprising.

When Han Han told himself, he still didn’t believe it.

Just now the little fox said that she did not suffer, it is obvious that the two are right, and the eyebrows are picking up. The summer major is swearing: “Come on, how do you talk to her? How to return from the territory with this woman’s temper will definitely be dark To check your identity, we must have a countermeasure before we can.”

He is not afraid of Du Jiayi’s movements. He only hopes that he can make a big move. In the end, he must let Du’s staff have a headache.

Ye Jianyi felt that he was a bit uncomfortable. It seemed that he hoped Du Jiayi would investigate her identity and press the doubts. He first said how he and Du Jiayi had the same thing: “I climbed to the roof.” I want to ask the specific situation inside. Du Jiayi first opened her mouth… and waited for everyone to save it. When she spoke to the high instructor, she said that the reason why I climbed to the roof regardless of personal safety was only Love is stubborn, and performance is the same.”

“I didn’t care about her before because I didn’t want to talk to such people, but she was so bright to hit my face, I won’t endure it.”

But I didn’t think of it later… Du Jiayi might be Ye Ying’s little aunt.

Xia Jinyuan heard this, although there was no laughter, but the smiles in those eyes were full. “This is right. Our identity is not allowed to bully them, but if they are bullied, civilians That’s it, people like Du Jiayi don’t have to put up with it.”

“Even if it is time for me, you have nothing to do with the Du family…” Ye Jian seems to ask casually, in fact, she has not been tightly held by the left hand he held.

She did not believe that the previous Du family did not take the shot. As Wei Jiayue said, the Du family is a good face and will not be conscientious and embarrassed.

Therefore, she did not believe that the former Du family would not know that Ye Ying was at her own trouble, and she did not believe that Ye Ying’s courage was so great that she could hide her husband’s family and die!

(End of this chapter)

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