Chapter 1839 God assists

To her inquired about the leadership of the 30-mile camp, she came directly to the phrase “This is what a soldier should do, and it is also the duty of a soldier. There is no need to repay the situation.”

In one sentence, Du Jiayi’s words were directly blocked, and she wanted to ask other leaders that she would not be able to return to the Nanguang Military Region with regret.

When Xia Jinyuan learned that Du Jiayi had inquired about Ye Jian, he even inquired about him. He was suddenly talking to the Major General of the Army. “She learned from me that I am serving in Xinjiang!”

I don’t know that he is training in Xinjiang now, but he learned that he graduated from the National University of Science and Technology and served in the territory!

In the year of Ye Jianchu, he entered the snowy squadron and received a mission to the territory to protect the construction of China’s satellite base. He also had comrades in the snowy brigade such as J5, G3 and Z7.

It was this group of comrades who had to go to the border of a certain country to meet with the military on the other side because of the fact that they did not know it. In addition, the two armies need to exchange information, and they only have military ranks and no military information. The black households have information on serving in Xinjiang.

Before Han Han said that he still remembers that he was a member of the Xinjiang Army.

Inquire about Ye Jian can understand, but inquire about his whereabouts of Xia Jinyuan is quite uncomfortable! What’s more, she actually asked in the Xinjiang! This shows that she is very determined that she is indeed serving in the territory.

The only thing that can be found out is that he is serving in the military in the military, and only protects the identity used in the construction of the satellite base.

The Major General of the Army has already checked this matter clearly. He said: “The territory is the sub-national military level. This is the ‘hometown’ of Du’s staff. Du Jiayi wants to know that it is not difficult.”

“Oh, it’s really great! Just because it was his ‘hometown’, you can freely disclose the location of a soldier’s service?” Xia Jinyuan immediately sank, and Junya’s eyebrows have a strong suffocation. “This hand stretches too long. Beware of being beaten!”

The generals of the army learned that they were also shocked.

Du Jiayi directly investigated the information of Ye Jian and Xia Jinyuan from the system, and then touched the warning procedure.

The head of the military secret was immediately reported to him, and it took less than half a day to investigate the whole matter, including how Du Jiayi knew it.

Xia Jinyuan’s voice has a very obvious suffocation. The Major General of the Army knows a little about Xia and Du. Just because he knows, he has to solve it better, so that Xia Jinyuan will not know it when he knows it. To come up with it, it is equal to let Du’s staff have another opportunity to target the Xia family.

Ruan said: “All of your information is now classified as a top secret file. You don’t have your identity in the whole system. Therefore, there is no information leaking from the snow team. In addition, even if you entered the satellite base, the identity of the faked ones. Being classified as top secret, Du staff has no authority to check!”

Xia Jinyuan said: “On the one hand, I believe in the military, please tell me how she got my service in Xinjiang.”

“The reason why she knows that you are serving in Xinjiang is indeed from Du’s murderer’s mouth. Then, it is not her personal inquiry to Du’s staff, but…” When it comes to this, the Major General of the Army has a rare pause. Even the tone has been slowed down a lot. “It is the commander-in-chief of the commander-in-chief who asked the staff of Du, and Du’s staff said that he knew that you had served in Xinjiang a few years ago, and the other would not know.”

(End of this chapter)

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